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Never without my camera !!! 📸
#6 245/365
2 streak
Day 1,920
in Florence.
Day 2,047
My son...
growing up way too fast !
Day 1,931
Went down to the lake today after 3 weeks holiday ! So happy to be there again ! ❤️
Day 1,942
Went over to my brother's to sort out old photos that my Nanny had and my aunty gave me when she died. We went down memory lane this evening...
Day 2,017
Day 2,055
Lakeside 💙
Day 2,058
our crazy cat. 😻
Day 1,833
My happy place...
down at the lakeside.
Day 1,835
Feathers & glitter...
Day 1,848
Walking home...
after a yoga session.
Day 1,880
By my son...
He got hold of my camera and shot a few photos of me. I'm never in our family shots so this is a nice capture of... just me. Thank you Lu...
Day 1,884
Apero time...
with sparkling water and a slice of lemon ! 🍹
Day 1,887
Capoeira christening...
Special day for our son and 2 of his very close friends. Capoeira is a mixture of respect, love, kindness, support, self defen...
Day 1,916
In his sunglasses...
Spent the afternoon visiting Bergamo.
Day 2,025
Alone in the forest...
for a halloween party. 🎃
Day 2,050
New start...
Day 2,051
At the cinema with my kids. ❤️
Day 1,829
Julie & Annie...
Day 1,865
on my new kimono !!
Day 1,890
Good start to the day...
Love going down to the lakeside in the morning when it isn't too crowded. #theme-negative-space
Day 1,992
Without a mask...
Without a mask... just before I start my day with it on !
Day 1,842
Day 1,853
working very hard in the pouring rain !!!
Day 1,856