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Never without my camera !!! 📸
#6 245/365
2 streak
Day 546
Had a simply delicious lunch down at the lakeside in Morges. It was splendid ! Had a great time ! Holidays are fabulous !! #october #outdoor...
Day 467
On the road...
We drove five hours today and I did two ! I was so nervous to drive such a big vehicle but it went well !! #evening #car #road #monday...
Day 493
Spotted these two walking down the floating bridge that has been put up for a rowing competition... #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #...
Day 642
Working late...
Only a quick shot this evening, busy day... #light #monday #dark #city #reflection #urban #sky #art #architecture #building #bridge #t...
Day 654
Blue eyes...
"Mummy, I want to do the same photo as you did the other day of yourself !" I personally think that th...
Day 376
Hope you all have a great day today ! Mine started off alright !! ;0) #morning #lake #mountains #landscape #monday #water #sea #sun #sky #cl...
Day 482
At the Futuroscope...
Wow did the girls have fun !!! And I took so many photos !! So we all had a fantastic time !!! #landscape #black-and-white #ligh...
Day 507
Tookapic outing...
Spent the day with 11 other tookapic photographers. Had a great time and took loads of photos ! Then had a meal together in a Moroc...
Day 518
Hike shortened...
We walked to the top of a mountain today from the intermediate station of the "télécabine" and then the heavens opened : it blew a g...
Day 422
Look up n°3...
Looked up again today... I think this pylone is quite artistic. I drive past it each day going to work. I decided to pull over and capt...
Day 461
We've just meet up with a friend we haven't seen for more than a year ! Having a drink at the lakeside... where else ?!! ;0) #portrait #ev...
Day 455
Refreshing, windy day...
The wind was really blowing today and made the color of the lake spectacular !! #outdoors #nature #green #landscape #water #s...
Day 399
Macro poppy...
I seem to be on a theme here... So here's my third poppy in a row ! #black-and-white #wednesday #detail #flower #design #macro #close #...
Day 652
Life is beautiful...
The sky at dawn was beautiful this morning... Have a great day !! xxx #morning #thursday #outdoors #lake #evening #landscape #wat...
Day 492
Silence in the classroom...
Silence before my 23 pupils arrive in the class on Monday ! Hope that they bring loads of energy, ideas, joy, questions, e...
Day 575
I won second place in a local photography contest. This evening, I received my prize ! A blow-up of one of my photos (lakeside one of course)...
Day 650
The sun is back...
Alleluia ! The sun is back and with it beautiful landscapes from the lakeside ! It's also put a big smile on my face and made me ha...
Day 406
Beautiful sky...
Caught this wonderful sky as I was going home after a whole day spent down at the lakeside. We all had a great day and this scene was...
Day 651
Spent 30 minutes wandering around LAC this afternoon... #indoors #afternoon #office #light #wednesday #city #reflection #urban #steel #...
Day 431
Local boot sale...
This is my daughter running to meet a friend of her's holding a stall on this boot sale ! It was boiling hot but there was also a b...
Day 456
B/W Sunflower...
The bees are busy with these lovely sunflowers... Have a great day all of you !! #thursday #nature #black-and-white #light #color #fl...
Day 496
Going to have to say goodbye to the lakeside a bit more now that I've gone back to work... New destination and adventure await me !! ;0...
Day 382
Spent the morning encouraging and supporting the whole team ! #sunday #reflection #people #kids #basketball #sport #person #tournament #...
Day 484
Back home in the garden...
Spent the day tidying up, washing sheets and clothes, cleaning the camping car, shopping and... the best of today... orderi...