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Never without my camera !!! 📸
#6 245/365
2 streak
Day 85
Tania, my coach...
I bumped into Tania today down at the lake... near HER pontoon !! We had a lovely time and I met loads of her friends. Have a great...
Day 161
Tania 2
Sitting in the sun talking about the expensive lenses we would like to buy... one day ! #afternoon #wednesday #coffee #sunlight #sunglasses #s...
Day 211
Cold autumn day...
I went down to the lake this morning. It started to rain and it was really windy, I couldn't hold my tele objective lens still !! I...
Day 126
Natural cotton buds ?
I've never seen a flower like this one before. And I didn't have much time to take some photos today. Within 10 minutes, walking...
Day 205
Golden start to the day...
My daughter turned 8 today and the sky gave her this splendid view as a present to start off her special day !! :O) #friday...
Day 326
We went to Habitat & Jardin and as usual I took my best friend with me : Oly, my camera. This is my best shot today... #sunday #light #la...
Day 80
Flowers in a flower...
I spent an afternoon taking photos of the center of a flower that I (naughtily) picked in a public garden. I just couldn't get...
Day 112
Shiny dewdrop
Got up early this morning and this dewdrop was calling me... ! Beautiful and sign of a start of a nice day... #morning #green #wednesday...
Day 204
Lights in the dark...
Long shutter speed and camera movement ! The captures are sometimes surprising and artistic. Not everybody likes them but I must...
Day 243
Three and free = threedom !! I managed to catch these three gulls this morning while the sun was still coming up !! I don't think I'll ever g...
Day 11
Trying to view things in an unusual way. Was difficult to get the tulip in focus with the wind blowing on it. I would love to get some more lens...
Day 87
The postman woke us up early today so I wandered into the garden to capture some dewdrops... #morning #saturday #water #bokeh #blur #early #ju...
Day 334
Look at those colors ! The sun will be shining most of this week so I'll be able to make the most of it !!! So here's my friend the duck. He po...
Day 131
Started back to school today... as a teacher. I caught a few shots before the hectic day started. I'm missing my macro lens so much !! #morni...
Day 365
Tulips were the object of my very first photo session with my very dear Coach @tania !!! So the loop is closed ! I started with tulips and I...
Day 19
BW : rough lake
No inspiration today ! Was windy and haven't really found a new idea... apart from BW (which isn't that easy !). #trees #afternoon #wh...
Day 37
Minty sky...
With my new macro lens I'm still learning but already having loads of fun. This was taken after a full day's work. Our family settled dow...
Day 49
Moonlight... ?
I found something new today. It looks like the moon and I did take the picture at dawn... #evening #light #wednesday #moon #plant #silh...
Day 68
Double bubbles
I read a few things about M capturing... I was really scared to try but all went well and I'm actually liking it. You can get such a sh...
Day 261
I took my daughters iceskating today... and I got very very cold. So I went to warm up in the little café next door. This is where I took th...
Day 302
Crow with a sunny dawn sky behind it... before the grey clouds arrived later on in the morning ! :O( #thursday #nature #bird #tree #blue #sky #pi...
Day 317
On the train...
This is the reflection in the window of the train we were taking to get back down to our rented apartment... We were shattered after a...
Day 349
This is what my daughter wrote on the window of my car this morning. How can you not have a nice day when it starts like this ?? <3 #tuesda...
Day 15
Tulip V
I just had to go back and shoot some more tulips today !!! I think I might be getting to an end with the tulips though. #thursday #afternoon #...