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Never without my camera !!! 📸
#6 245/365
2 streak
Day 562
Tried to find curves this morning... and glanced into the mirror and saw my own little piece of hair curving up !! ;0) So another contributio...
Day 561
Sky on fire...
Used my Lensbaby to capture the sky this morning... It had changed within seconds after having taken the photo ! #thursday #october #ou...
Day 560
Morning flight...
The sky was on fire this morning ! I love this time of the year, one starts the day off in beauty !! #morning #october #outdoors #na...
Day 559
Golden hour...
Have a wonderful sunny day ! #morning #october #nature #lake #evening #landscape #light #tuesday #water #sea #sun #reflection #sky #sun...
Day 558
Just a quick one today... Started back at work and I don't have much time ! See you tomorrow !! #october #autumn #fall #forest #outdoors #tr...
Day 557
50 shades of grey ??
We're leaving Majorca today and the weather here is helping us to not regret it. We had a fantastic time !! #morning #october #la...
Day 556
Upside down...
My little monkey swinging pretty high up in the sky... #portrait #morning #october #saturday #black-and-white #bike #fun #girl #people...
Day 555
Just disappeared...
Was walking to our room when I spotted this... I had to capture it !! #october #nature #friday #evening #landscape #light #water #...
Day 554
Sheltered from the rainstorm...
Set off on a trip in our rented car under a rainstorm ! This guy just made it to his shelter before the heavens opened...
Day 553
On holiday... #october #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #light #water #sea #wednesday #sun #sky #sunset #ocean #beach #storm #travel #...
Day 552
Mediterranean Sea...
Spent the day on a boat and met French marathoners having a great time... #morning #october #outdoors #nature #lake #landscape #t...
Day 551
Our hotel room... #october #outdoors #afternoon #evening #landscape #light #monday #dark #water #sea #sun #reflection #sky #window #art #pe...
Day 550
Garden flower...
Just a quick capture before flying off on holiday !! Hurray !! #october #outdoors #nature #sunday #light #leaf #flower #grunge #blur...
Day 549
Is it all a question of size ??
Spent the day at a photography festival "Focus Day" and met really nice people ! This guy caught my eye immediately an...
Day 548
Had a rendez-vous to go to in Lausanne today so on my way there I shot a few photos... I quite like the movement in this one. #october #fr...
Day 547
Took my mischievous fairies to Rolle at a great playground that they love. We stayed there until the sun went down ! I even met a fabulous ph...
Day 546
Had a simply delicious lunch down at the lakeside in Morges. It was splendid ! Had a great time ! Holidays are fabulous !! #october #outdoor...
Day 545
I went on a photographic trip around the EPFL building in Lausanne. I didn't really feel in the right place with all theses highly intel...
Day 544
Guess where I went today ? There's always an occasion to get out one's camera and shoot... and within seconds you've captured a geometrical s...
Day 543
Golden leaf
Golden leaf shot today in the garden. Was playing with the light and the shade in the bush. Autumn is here !! #october #fall #outdoors #na...
Day 542
Got my macro lens out today and shot a few photos in the garden ! It had been a long time !! #october #nature #saturday #black-and-white...
Day 541
Cloudy and windy this morning but oh! so glorious down at the lake ! #october #outdoors #nature #friday #lake #evening #landscape #wood #l...
Day 540
Golden hour of the day...
This is my first contribution to the "Golden" theme. After a beautiful fiery sunset last night, we woke up to a brilliant su...
Day 539
I spotted a poppy when picking up my daughter from school. I absolutely love them and to find this one so late in the year, I was thrilled to...