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Never without my camera !!! 📸
#6 245/365
2 streak
Day 41
Purple bokeh
I saw that the weekly theme was "bokeh" so off I went into the garden. I took a few photos but this one was my favorite one of the day. I...
Day 117
Perfect light...
I got out early today. I was surprised to find out that when the sun gets just a bit too high, you can't get sunbursts anymore !! So...
Day 158
Rainy Sunday ! Spent the whole day in the house with my family. I had time to set up some fun with the kitchen tap. I took more than 1100 sh...
Day 7
We all scream for ice-cream !!!
I'm trying to change my perspective a bit so thought this could be a new way of seeing things (my daughter actually !)...
Day 18
BW : tender love
My daughter and husband together... tender love. Off on a new theme : black and white (BW) photos of little details that point out ce...
Day 71
Bubble O0o°O0o°
Another fizzy water experiment, this time in the lovely sun light !! I must say that the sun really makes a great difference to the sh...
Day 99
Summer lunch
Eating under a parasol near the lake, I noticed this pretty pattern. I'm also off to a music festival so not sure I'll be able to put a p...
Day 258
Blurry lights, still the festive season... #night #tuesday #lights #christmas #yellow #party #colours #blur #shining #town #decoration #dece...
Day 101
It's raining again...
Macro photo of raindrop. I'm back home and exploring my garden again. #nature #afternoon #saturday #water #rain #grass #closeup...
Day 363
Had to go down town to a medical check-up. I stopped off at my favorite place ; the lakeside. The sun was just coming up... A real nice st...
Day 123
Woken up by cows...
I went camping with three other families last night and we got woken up by these lovely and friendly cows this morning. #sunday #c...
Day 217
Grass stripes...
Stands of grass (stripes ?) and a beautiful colored sky. Simple but nice. This photo caught my eye going through my today's photos. #...
Day 116
I nearly missed the dew today... Only a few left by the time I got up !! #morning #green #sunday #grass #sunlight #one #august #dewdrop
Day 254
Early Xmas present !
The title says it all... I'm so happy ! #friday #car #christmas #present #december #xmas #mini #happy #theme-yuletide
Day 327
Rough lake...
It was pouring down with rain this morning. I got soaked with my Oly down near the lake... but oh ! the colors ! They were beautiful !!...
Day 355
Swan @ dawn...
The other days, two swans were flying by just as I was getting out of the car ! This morning, there was only one and it was gliding on...
Day 93
Wooden train
This one doesn't go anywhere but you can sit on it and let your mind go to different places !! It was a windy day but the sun was back !...
Day 184
Raindrops on the window and pretty colors on the other side ! It looks like a painting... #october #trees #friday #window #colors #raindrops #...
Day 222
My best friend...
Sorry, this is all I have time for today... I tried to think of something that's important to me, something that makes me me... ;O)...
Day 231
Silver shoes...
Another photo shot with my colleague for her design project ! It was great fun again ! Two more to do and then we'll be done ! :O( And...
Day 303
Dancing gulls...
I've got to post this before midnight... #friday #lake #blue #gulls #february #pontoon #tania
Day 8
My first model...
I took loads of photos and this was the best one. She spontaneously started moving around and suddenly this position came upon ! I l...
Day 54
Firework display
I'm playing around with shutter speed and loving it. I was in a shopping centre today and saw these lights hanging from the ceiling a...
Day 86
I found this feather on the beach down at the lake today. #friday #afternoon #white #light #water #drop #lines #closeup #feather #july #dia...