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Viola Kuniej

chodzę po lesie, rozmawiam z ludźmi i robię im zdjęcia
#9 195/365
385 streak
Day 1,846
R. celebrates his Grandfather's 60th Birthday!
Day 1,863
Great-grandfather drew this work for R. she loves it!
Day 1,893
yoga time! #theme-upside-down
Day 1,926
our today's guest! :)
Day 2,019
my girls! <3
Day 2,043
only cookie stopped R. outside the water 😂😂
Day 2,095
Oto stół, przy którym siedziałam wczoraj z dziewczynami, tworząc kobiecy krąg w Studio Koincydencje. Na zdjęciu widać „przedmiot do mówienia”, cz...
Day 2,135
tree roots and mother earth.
Day 2,004
Anna is waiting for Marcel <3 (just two more weeks!)
Day 2,026
I painted my background in studio, ha!
Day 2,027
let's do a little relaxation after hard work! #theme-sports
Day 2,079
Day 2,080
A. once again :)
Day 2,111
the sky is burning. #theme-fall
Day 1,856
Day 1,936
little giraffe in her base :)
Day 2,012
Day 2,082
mom, catch me! :)
Day 2,120
G., once again :)
Day 2,130
last day of October. very nice, sunny and interesting - Blue Moon time 😊🙃
Day 2,159
I guess it's UFO!
Day 1,925
R. with her great-grandmother Tereska :)
Day 1,963
power of now - sand meditation 4.
Day 2,028
happy child will find sand even in the dust!