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Viola Kuniej

chodzę po lesie, rozmawiam z ludźmi i robię im zdjęcia
#9 91/365
281 streak
Day 1,439
buzię widzę w tym lasu, a nawet całą postać. #fall #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #wood #sun...
Day 1,429
the sun gave me beautiful earrings today. #thursday #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #light #water #sun #sky #sunset #november #blur #mist...
Day 1,434
separate the grain from tears. #morning #fall #nature #landscape #wood #black-and-white #light #dark #tuesday #rain #tree #sun #leaf #texture #mo...
Day 1,448
the green dress: emerald moon. #portrait #afternoon #tuesday #water #moon #art #people #painting #woman #ocean #desktop #man #december #underwate...
Day 1,444
Zen, go, now it's my turn to see if it's snowing! #indoors #portrait #friday #afternoon #light #dark #city #reflection #window #shadow #people #a...