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Viola Kuniej

chodzę po lesie, rozmawiam z ludźmi i robię im zdjęcia
#9 80/365
270 streak
Day 2,975
Za tydzień Ronja idzie do pierwszej klasy! Z tej okazji zrobiłyśmy dziś sesję pt. "Z tytą wśród dzikich zwierząt" :) Tyta (niem. Schultüte, Zucker...
Day 2,995
Sleeping in the rain... #theme-big-lie
Day 2,926
wonderful oak that gave us a lot of shadow during the incredible hot day
Day 2,950
Day 2,953
evening walk with my love
Day 2,954
Ronja the Dancing Queen 😅
Day 2,933
"oberiba" in Silesian means kohlrabi
Day 2,943
Day 2,948
Ronja's dancing with fans 🥰
Day 2,974
Surreal evening
Day 2,994
The tree.
Day 2,930
we poster the district - I check the similarity with the photo 😅
Day 2,931
Peacock on the sky
Day 2,936
I love summer!
Day 2,944
Ronja made me a beautiful bracelet ❤️
Day 2,952
Sjesta 😅
Day 2,962
Today I started the summer school of Gestalt
Day 2,963
my way
Day 2,964
Minions for Ronja ❤️
Day 2,966
the light
Day 2,970
Sunny sunday! ❤️
Day 2,976
Fun with wings
Day 2,977
Jesus rests after making a camel skin drum 😅
Day 2,979
blurry but i love this photo :) #theme-music-of-the-day