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Viola Kuniej

chodzę po lesie, rozmawiam z ludźmi i robię im zdjęcia
#9 81/365
271 streak
Day 2,984
trip to Opole ❤️
Day 2,991
Last day on the lake, próba łyżki...
Day 2,927
last evening at Dreamersland Festival
Day 2,938
In the basement
Day 2,951
evening - reading time ❤️
Day 2,957
Day 2,961
bubble gum
Day 2,973
Drums workshop for kids and parents
Day 2,986
chill in my lovely garden
Day 2,924
we're going to Dreamersland 😊
Day 2,968
Le Grand Bleu
Day 2,978
Inner world
Day 2,980
Mom, I want it all 😂
Day 2,990
Parallel universe.
Day 2,960
Day 2,971
Chilling with rav vast 🙂
Day 2,989
The caterpillar ❤️
Day 2,996
Ronja shows off her new glowing shoes 🙂
Day 2,997
First fire
Day 2,942
I took only screenshots today 😂
Day 2,955
Indian girl is come back 😂
Day 2,985
Ronja's first day at school ❤️
Day 2,940
Day 2,983
musical end of summer at the Summer Festival