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Viola Kuniej

chodzę po lesie, rozmawiam z ludźmi i robię im zdjęcia
#9 203/365
393 streak
Day 1,659
dynamic meditation in the countryside. #theme-negative-space
Day 1,658
from the diary of a mother - day 792 - R, jumps on me when I try to rest. I just found that I live 13792 days - 13,000 days more than R - what a...
Day 1,657
friend. #theme-negative-space
Day 1,656
dancing on a raspberry rock. #theme-motion-blur
Day 1,655
double mountain portrait.
Day 1,654
a day full of surprises and self-border crossing.
Day 1,653
sunny girl.
Day 1,652
dead place.
Day 1,651
Day 1,650
we are all prisoners of our own mind. #theme-motion-blur
Day 1,649
Day 1,648
Jest więzienie. W celi jest więzień, na wieży strażniczej jest strażnik. Ci dwaj są jedną osobą. Więzień jest jednocześnie swoim własnym strażnik...
Day 1,647
I think R. will be a better driver than me!
Day 1,646
R. is eating radish sprouts. #theme-fitness
Day 1,645
Slavic gymnastics. #theme-fitness
Day 1,644
both of them on a swing. #theme-fitness
Day 1,643
a moment later R. did the same, I swear :) #theme-fitness
Day 1,642
I will tell you a story. #theme-tiny-humans
Day 1,641
focused state of mind. #theme-tiny-humans
Day 1,640
I was just taking a picture of the trees when I saw the ghost.
Day 1,639
dysfunction mind of the broken soul.
Day 1,638
Antonio, fa freddo.
Day 1,637
Antonio, fa caldo.
Day 1,636
a little girl's dream. #theme-tiny-humans