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#8 77/365
87 streak
Day 1,096
five minutes before the big rain
Day 1,097
selfie after exercise
Day 1,098
through the taxi window
Day 1,099
west window
Day 1,100
Valentine's Day
Day 1,101
piece of a large area store
Day 1,102
Day 1,103
in my hand
Day 1,104
crazy weather
Day 1,105
gest złości w szpitalnej rzeczywistości ...
gest złości w szpitalnej rzeczywistości ... I apologize for the photo to anyone who does not know the specifics of the Polish parliament.
Day 1,106
Pączek płaski jak naleśnik
Day 1,107
illuminated building with reflected sun
Day 1,108
Day 1,109
Day 1,110
Day 1,111
nietypowy balkon
Day 1,112
lace work
#theme-craft Obserwuj
Day 1,113
surprise for birds
Day 1,114
Day 1,115
tęsknię za ośmiorniczkami
Day 1,116
leniwa niedziela
Day 1,117
oj boli... / oh it hurts...
#theme-upside-down korona:(
Day 1,118
upity tulipan / drinker tulip
Day 1,119
kwadraty nie w kwadracie / squares not in the square