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#8 89/365
99 streak
Day 2,555
Day 2,483
Day 2,343
Day 2,306
✌️ subway station, crowds going to the demonstration
Day 2,378
Święto Wojska Polskiego
Today, all these planes were within my lens. Can we treat them as one photo?
Day 2,400
Day 2,317
Day 2,450
Day 2,490
Day 2,522
modern hotel interior
Day 2,219
Day 2,226
idzie wiosna 😀
Day 2,246
Day 2,292
Day 2,403
plecami do wiedzy 😉 back to knowledge
Day 2,476
Day 2,477
Fort Legionów
Day 2,516
Day 2,533
Day 2,545
one duck is missing…
Day 2,217
nie rozdzielaj włosa na czworo 😉 / split hairs 😉
Day 2,250
Radosnych Świąt
Day 2,439
wybieramy... i wybraliśmy ✌️✌️✌️
Day 2,466
dla Lusi