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Asia Lubaszka

My name is Asia. I am 12 years old and I live in Poland.
#1 19/365
19 streak
George łamie kody!!!
Kto znajdzie szyfr (pytanie od Georga :-)) ? #evening #monday #february #theme-numbers
Udane polowanie!!!
#evening #tuesday #february
Ogród Georga
#evening #wednesday #february
Evening walk...
#thursday #night #february
Zuza's birthday!!!
#friday #night #february
In the mirror...
#saturday #night #february
On tripod...
#night #sunday #february
On the bottom...of the sea...
#night #monday #february
The deep sea...
#night #tuesday #february
Fire EXPO...
#night #wednesday #february
#thursday #night #february
George jeździec...
#friday #evening #february
George's new book...
#saturday #night #february
Tiger tamer ...
#night #sunday #february
Special day!!!
raz na cztery lata!!! #night #monday #february
Goodbye George!!!
George leaving on a journey. #evening #tuesday #march
Hello! I'm Rex! I'm puppy!
Nowy kolega Zuzy! #evening #wednesday #march
After party!!!
I love pizza!!! #thursday #night #march #theme-overhead
Rex's friend Kostka!
Kostka jest nie śmiała. #friday #night #march
Rex with NUTELLA!!!
:-) :-) :-) #morning #saturday #march
Trzeba go powiesić. #evening #sunday #march
Rex's new house.
Malutki domek dla małego szczeniaczka.:-) #evening #monday #march
Day 1
My sister Hania.
Hania uwielbia kolorować. #morning #saturday #march
Day 2
New Flower.
#night #sunday #march