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Szymon Maciejczyk

streakography on tookapic since 2017
#4 194/365
2 streak
Day 642
Warsaw Home Expo
We are at Warsaw Home Expo. Last year it was smaller but much better in my opinion. Anyway still good place to go if you are interest...
Day 129
My wife is a great cook. She has changed my life with healthy food. She is making me a few dishes each day. Thanks to her I am very healthy pe...
Day 158
#evening #wednesday #people #hand #woman #child #simplicity #man #human #fist #one #thumb #skin #arm #conceptual #wrist #june #adult #body-part #pa...
Day 221
Brown coal mine. #outdoors #evening #landscape #light #wednesday #fog #tree #city #sun #moon #sky #sunset #architecture #building #winter #tower...
Day 237
Thanks to courtesy of my friend Konrad today I had the opportunity to drive Tesla model S. It was great fun ! I hope to buy some electric car so...
Day 403
It is seriously snowing and I love it ! #evening #wednesday #street #church #people #winter #government #snow #man #one #war #military #vehicle...
Day 530
Finishing touches by designer. It is very close to the end ... or maybe a new beginning ? :) A lot of work still to do, but we will make...
Day 12
off the train
Maybe it is not so cold here as it is in Poland now, but it rains all the time. There are not too many occasions to take a shots. Do you...
Day 138
our flat
We bought a flat in old but very chic building in Wadowice old town center city. My wife is an interior designer and she is making visuals of...
Day 146
My best friend (living across canal La Manche in London). He was celebrating his birthday few days ago in Budapest so I had to wait to call him...
Day 254
just a quick tookapic before tookasleep #outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #monday #water #rain #fog #sun #sky #weather #cloud #sunset #travel...
Day 261
#outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #light #monday #water #sea #fog #tree #sun #home #sky #cloud #sunset #travel #summer #dawn #hill #mount...
Day 306
interior design
Choosing the best material. #indoors #thursday #night #wood #instrument #people #architecture #november #wooden #desktop #business #on...
Day 375
glass glass glass
So tired. Just two days and I will finish work for one client, that was extremely problematic from the beginning. #night #keyboard #...
Day 376
visa ?
#indoors #thursday #night #map #technology #time #business #travel #january #number #compass #vertical #direction #passport #exploration #horiz...
Day 457
light for pope
Today in Wadowice is a concert for tribute to Saint John Paul II. #outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #light #monday #dark #sun #moon...
Day 508
kazziz made me do it
I went to Cracow to take a part in "EXPOzycja". Small photo fair. I was very excited to meet @kazziz there. He works for Olympus....
Day 142
My wife is amazing. When she say she want to do something, she just doing this :) #evening #monday #threads #pin #scissors #may #embroidery...
Day 258
for sale
My brother is selling his flat, I came by to make a 5 minute photo session. #indoors #friday #evening #house #home #window #lamp #furniture #...
Day 286
kurwa mać
Sorry for the title, but this two words perfectly reflects the situation of Friday 13th. My car broke down, it happend at the moment I was g...
Day 334
When we were living in France for almost 3 years, we bought about more than 500 pieces of antiques, home decor stuff and so on. Now we have t...
Day 381
I woke up at 5:45 because I had to do many things today. Now I am almost done with everything, took this pic in Cracow while driving thru the cit...
Day 461
I smell cow shit everywhere. #outdoors #nature #friday #evening #landscape #wood #water #fog #tree #sky #winter #yard #snow #field #travel #dawn...
Day 507
Just a horse in front of my house, typical sunset time. #nature #evening #tuesday #animal #horse #grass #sunset #grassland #field #one #farm #r...