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Szymon Maciejczyk

streakography on tookapic since 2017
#4 194/365
2 streak
Day 814
First photo after camera repair. Unfortunately The image sensor has scratches that are visible on the photos. I will keep it anyway as a backup camera...
Day 801
Day 851
during test shots for a client
Day 1,000
I was thinking about something special for my 1000th tookapic photo, but I didn't have time for that today.
Day 1,045
Day 1,060
changing tires
Day 1,095
nothing special this year ... no time for taking camera to my hand. just a quality time with family and friends.
Day 735
I have spent eight hours on editing photos from last photoshoot today. I am very happy with the final results. I am sure that the client will also be...
Day 739
streakogrpahy ...
Day 770
Day 776
changed BMW for FIAT for few days
Day 792
Day 797
First time with VR. We are both very surprised about it ! Best wishes girls ;) #theme-womanhood
Day 857
Goooooooooooood morning ;) ... now when my wife have her own camera I will have photos like this more often ;)
Day 1,024
Day 761
Day 783
Day 784
Maybe the interior of this car does not look as good as the cars I've traveled recently, but it's incredibly comfortable. This is my new office fot th...
Day 788
still busy af
Day 829
I love this wide angle lens
Day 835
drzewo wjechało na salony
Day 849
rainy days
Day 875
Day 976