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Magda Chopta

#1 272/365
7 streak
Day 53
my work
#morning #sunday #june
Day 54
happy childhood
#evening #monday #june
Day 55
#tuesday #june
Day 56
the way up
#morning #wednesday #june
Day 57
#thursday #afternoon #june
Day 58
the way down
#friday #evening #june
Day 59
Browar Zamość
#saturday #night #june
Day 60
w drodze
#morning #sunday #june
Day 61
widok na ruiny zamku
Nielisz #afternoon #monday #june
Day 62
duck family
#morning #tuesday #june
Day 63
...Kazimierz Dolny #afternoon #wednesday #june
Day 64
lion head
#morning #thursday #june
Day 65
after rain
#friday #afternoon #july
Day 66
to the top....
#saturday #evening #july
Day 67
and it's still raining
day 3 #afternoon #sunday #july
Day 69
#evening #tuesday #july
Day 71
lucky 43 ;-)
#thursday #july
Day 72
biking around
#morning #friday #july
Day 73
rain, rain go away
#saturday #july
Day 74
The grand Duke ;)
#afternoon #sunday #july
Day 75
#afternoon #monday #july
Day 76
eagle in the garden
#afternoon #tuesday #july
Day 78
taking different directions
#thursday #afternoon #july
Day 79
#friday #evening #july