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Magdalena Starzyńska

Hello! I'm Magdalena, I love doing and exploring new things. Music, movies, photography are totally my things, I also like dancing, yoga, skiing, cooking,... Just enjoying life in every way, not...
#1 161/365
8 streak
Day 17
Even though I hate this creatures so badly, when I saw it in my friend's room, I thought that this may be a good photography. #nature #afternoon...
Day 16
So I was walking around my garden in Racibórz to find some inspiration. When I've seen this, I knew that this is it. Perfect fruit couple. #natur...
Day 15
Intro festival
On Saturday there was a music festival in my hometown, Racibórz. It's not very famous so far, but it's getting better and better year a...
Day 14
Another one with my lovely cat. I'll never get bored of this kind of shots. #portrait #friday #evening #cat #animal #home #window #people #sum...
Day 13
Weird day, really weird picture of myself. I think I'm ready for some real stuff now. #portrait #thursday #evening #detail #face #hair #woman #...
Day 12
Go away
Experimenting with conception, bad light, bad quality, but I still like it. As always, my dearest friend helped me and said yes to be my model...
Day 11
Pino Garden
Yes, I know. Another food photography, but I seem to like it. Finally me and my friends had some time to go out, so we simply chose to eat...
Day 10
I love my friends. I woke up today and saw that someone has made a delicious breakfast for me. Morning couldn't start better, I'm lucky. #mo...
Day 9
So the first hard day has came. I didn't get time for nothing today, running from place to place, and I even had a good plan for a photo, but the...
Day 8
Searching for an inspiration has simply ended after one look at the wall. #afternoon #saturday #white #wall #close #flight #july
Day 7
I had a funny time with my sister and no, we didn't search for a pokemons everywhere outside. We chose the oldschool way... #indoors #friday #...
Day 6
It looks like someone is already prepared for a cold weather. Propably Game of Thrones should be blamed with this "winter is coming" being repea...
Day 5
Bored, but focused
Introducing my lovely model, Matylda. We meant to have some cute, lovely, sweet pet session, but she said "no, it would be my way"....
Day 4
Fruits before execution
Just typical food porn before being blended with water. #indoors #morning #afternoon #food #fruits #breakfast #tuesday #people...
Day 3
Evening run
Sometimes I regret that camera is not so easy to run with. That kind of views I love about this sport. #outdoors #nature #evening #landsca...
Day 2
No country for old man
Visiting places like this always makes me anxious, it's good to be healthy in this country. #afternoon #sunday #building #hospi...
Day 1
Coming back
So this is the first photo, right after I came back from a amazing trip. Backpack is empty, map is useless for now, but the journal is ful...