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Podróżująca mama - nauczycielka. A traveler, a mother and a teacher.
#1 132/365
132 streak
Day 18
Pic 18 of 366
Okolice / Neighborhood #monday #january #kuwait #mahboula #18-366
Day 21
Pic 21 of 366
W drodze na... / On the way to... #thursday #evening #january #airport #kuwait #21-366
Day 12
Pic 12 of 366
Idzie deszcz / The rain is coming #afternoon #tuesday #rain #january #kuwait #12-366
Day 19
Pic 19 of 366
...BECAUSE I'M HAPPY...!!! #evening #tuesday #january #happy #19-366
Day 45
Pic 45 of 366: The Lioness Queen. Mahboula, Kuwait.
#afternoon #sunday #february #kuwait #45-366 #lion-king #lioness-queen
Day 75
Pic 75 of 366: Bon Appetit
#evening #tuesday #china #march #kuwait #75-366
Day 16
Pic 16 of 366
Z wizyta u przyjaciol / At friends' house #saturday #evening #house #january #kuwait #16-366
Day 93
Pic 93 of 366: There's no place like grandma's home.
#afternoon #saturday #april
Day 8
Pic 8 of 366
Leniwy piątkowy poranek / A lazy Friday morning. #friday #january
Day 73
Pic 73 of 366: The Big Spoon.
#sunday #march #kuwait #73-366
Day 107
Pic 107 of 366: G... for Girls' Gate.
#afternoon #saturday #g #april #107-366 #girlsgate
Day 6
Pic 6 of 366
Czwarty Król / The Fourth King #evening #wednesday #january #kuwait #6-366 #fourth-king #czwarty-krol
Day 64
Pic 64 of 366: The Caterpillars.
#friday #afternoon #march #kuwait #64-366 #caterpillars
Day 105
Pic 105 of 366: E... for elevator.
#thursday #afternoon #elevator #e #april #105-366
Day 2
Pic 2 of 366
Morning in Mahboula street 114, KW. #morning #saturday #january #kuwait #mamaalicji #mahboula
Day 28
Pic 28 of 366: Sunset at Radhanagar Beach, Havelock Island, Andamans & Nicobars, India
#thursday #afternoon #january #india #andamans-nicobars #28-366...
Day 106
Pic 106 of 366: F... for football fan.
#friday #april #f #106-366 #football-fan
Day 1
Happy New Year 2016
Pic 1 of 366: Kuwait non alcoholic New Year celebration. It's time to begin the show. #friday #night #january #kuwait #middle-east...
Day 31
Pic 31 of 366: Closer. To Baratang, Andamans & Nicobars, India.
#sunday #january
Day 94
Pic 94 of 366: Wooden Head. Lubelskie, Poland.
#evening #sunday #poland #april #94-366 #wooden-head
Day 90
Pic 90 of 366: Matter Patterns.
#evening #wednesday #march #kuwait #99-366
Day 32
Pic 32 of 366. Farewell to Andamans, Ross Island, India
#monday #india #february #32-366 #andamans-and-nicobars
Day 10
Pic 10 of 366
Netykieta / Netiquette #sunday #january #10-366 #netykieta #netiquette
Day 34
Pic 34 of 366: trophies.
#wednesday #india #february #trophies #34-366