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#3 92/365
1 streak
Day 405
I've got mine. Do you?
Organ and bone marrow donation cards
Day 406
Night out with the biggest bad pun friend ever
And a walk down the memory lane when coming across another friend
Day 407
It's ok to go clubbing once every 5 years
Day 408
This year will be better
Day 409
A day at home
Day 410
Date night in
Great company, great food, great time
Day 411
It's pubquiz o'clock
What a weird quiz this week
Day 412
Day 413
Watched 'Rubber'
Beware of killer tires
Day 414
Homemade pizza
Friends, wine and canasta
Day 415
friends and wine
Day 417
Unexpected visit to Berlin
A good deed and a nice trip
Day 416
Patience is virtue
Day 418
Taken a small but important step ahead
Day 419
Working with broadcasts
always fun
Day 420
It’s that one day of every year when I make bigos!
Day 421
Dream on
Day 422
Another evening with cards
Canasta and pizza win everybody over
Day 423
I did it
Scary but exciting
Day 424
I got myself a new toy
Calligraphy set. Patience is virtue.
Day 425
The mystery dog
Having his own intellectual session of sniffing around. Meet Ragnar. Also, had an important meeting today.
Day 426
Invested a bit in my mind today
Day 427
Little women were full of ideas
Let’s be creative
Day 428
A bad movie party
For that you need sustenance. Proper sustenance.