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#3 92/365
1 streak
Day 764
The snow is back!
Day 769
The guest
Day 732
Home planetarium
Day 760
The laziest of days.
Day 761
Because my truth is miner than yourser.
Day 804
The crook
Day 809
The booster
Day 731
Not so grey anymore
Day 756
A long walk with overseas friends.
Day 779
Day 798
Winter wonderland
Day 805
Day 735
Windy McMack
Day 741
Knitting away
Day 777
Tabula rasa
Day 788
Dreaming about the past
Day 806
I'm sorry, ma'am,
you must have mistaken me for someone who cares.
Day 810
Can't fight the moonlight
Day 812
Day 757
I like those vegan nights with people who respect my love for unicorns.
Day 759
What would be a Polish New Year's Eve
without the Polish version of doughnuts.
Day 770
A little wildness
in the middle of the city.
Day 783
You never know
Day 782
Wannabe snow