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#8 300/365
1,596 streak
Day 77
connected / podłączone   [077]
high iso foto #friday #evening #cable #audio #rack #february
Day 76
a view / widok [076]
first try of 'new' camera, bought for 50$ without lens ;) pierwsza próba 'nowego' aparatu kupionego za 200 zł bez obiektywu ;) #m...
Day 75
simple and crispy / proste i chrupiące :)  [075]
My fast variation over the toast and 'zapiekanka' ;) One or two days old bread, a bit of butter, slic...
Day 74
Wiadukt Slaski at night / Wiadukt Śląski nocą [074]
#evening #long-exposure #tuesday #nightscape #february #viaduct #rzeszow #light-effect #rzeszow-no...
Day 73
testing helios 44-2  [073]
another test of helios 44-2 / kolejny test heliosa 44-2 #evening #monday #lego #testing #manual-focus #february #helios #he...
Day 72
padlocks of love / kłódki miłości :-) [072]
footbridge on Wisłok river in Rzeszów, full of padlocks of love .... / kładka na rzece Wisłok pełna kłódek...
Day 71
flowers / kwiatki [071]
first test of 44-2 helios lens /pierwszy test obiektywu helios 44-2 #afternoon #saturday #flowers #closeup #manual-focus #febr...
Day 70
new toy arrived / nowa zabawka przyjechała [070]
tomorow testing day / jutro dzień testów #friday #afternoon #toy #lens #february #helios #helios-44-2
Day 69
low light / mało światła [069]
#thursday #evening #bulb #february #low-light #light-effect
Day 68
little plastic bottles / plastikowe buteleczki [068]
#evening #little #wednesday #plastic #bottles #february #sepia #theme-shadows
Day 67
it is ... / to jest ... [067]
... simple I guess / ... chyba proste ;) #night #tuesday #shadow #february #light-effect #theme-shadows
Day 66
shadow test / test cienia [066]
just testing / po prostu testuję #night #test #monday #shadow #february #theme-shadows
Day 65
Stanislaw Nitka on his ferry boat/ Stanisław Nitka na jego promie [065]
Stanisław Nitka is a Legend of Rzeszów. For years conveyed people on his hand-...
Day 64
The Galezoski street from Mickiewicz's street / ul. Gałęzoskiego od ul. Mickiewicza [064]
I was supposed to take a photo of the standing beside monume...
Day 63
old water pump / stara pompa wodna [063]
I didn't know that such things are in my neighborhood yet / nie wiedziałem, że takie rzeczy jeszcze znajdują...
Day 62
pocket money / grosiki [062]
jakoś tak wyszło #thursday #evening #february #penny #pocket-money
Day 61
before the era of digital cameras / przed erą cyfrówek [061]
#evening #wednesday #february #theme-books
Day 60
long-serving children book / wysłużona książeczka dla dzieci [060]
#evening #tuesday #closeup #january #theme-books #children-book
Day 59
white birches / białe brzozy [059]
nie mogłem się oprzeć #morning #landscape #monday #poland #january #snowy #brich-tree
Day 58
deserted / opustoszały [058]
#afternoon #sunday #january #rzeszow #deserted #ruined #theme-abandoned
Day 57
padlocked / zamknięte na kłódkę [057]
#afternoon #saturday #door #snow #january #padlock #rzeszow #theme-abandoned
Day 56
bunch of keys / pęk kluczy [056]
#friday #evening #keys #bunch #still-life #january
Day 55
footbridge over rails in Reszów / kładka nad torami w Rzeszowie [055]
#thursday #night #long-exposure #rail #january #railway-station #footbridge #rze...
Day 54
ruined park gate / ruiny bramy do parku [054]
shoot from this angle - I have had fence on my back / fotka zrobiona z takiego kąta bo za plecami było o...