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#8 215/365
1,511 streak
Day 2,748
… rainy and cloudy day …
Day 2,749
... neumaticos ...
Day 2,750
... colorful wet moth ...
Day 2,751
Day 2,752
... white raspberry ...
Day 2,753
... clear sky ...
Day 2,754
... a bee ...
Day 2,755
,,, squashed by me ...
Day 2,756
... another bee, from closer look this time ...
Day 2,757
... streak ...
Day 2,758
Day 2,759
... downpour at noon ...
Day 2,760
... sun frappe ...
Day 2,761
... blue Mercedes ...
Day 2,762
... just the tail ...
Day 2,763
Day 2,764
... a snail's perspective ...
Day 2,765
... flower meadow ...
Day 2,766
... on a shelf in the closet ...
Day 2,767
... dirty street lamp ...
Day 2,768
... monday streak ...
Day 2,769
... flat cloudy view ...
Day 2,770
... tucked ...
Day 2,771
... black currants, just washed ...