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I retired as a high school guidance counselor and now work part time at the courthouse Since age 10, I have gotten a thrill out of pressing a shutter button. And still do.
#6 275/365
1 streak
Day 359
Christmas Eve
My son Brian and his wife Angela. Not a perfect shot in any way (taken with an iphone), but I wanted them together in my 365 album and t...
Day 149
They're Coming!
This is a cicada shell I found in my yard this morning. Cicadas go underground for 17 years and then emerge. Scientist in Ohio predict...
Day 148
Floral Neglect
This is a sampling of all the flowers I did not get planted today! #friday #may
Day 159
Moss and Green
#evening #tuesday #june
Day 394
Bird Nest Love
I just happened to notice this as I was walking downtown after work, and the little nest was actually at eye level in a small tree. How...
Day 12
Snow glow light
Flurries here today! #morning #tuesday #january
Day 318
The foliage was decorated last night. #sunday #november
Day 161
Gator in Green Camouflage
Adolescent gator about three feet away on my walk in a nature preserve. They are always watching watching watching....... #m...
Day 72
Cyclamen Pinks
#afternoon #saturday #march
Day 153
Garden Gems
Watering drops on hosta leaves. I know you shouldn't water or photograph in strong midday sun and I did both today anyway to try it out. D...
Day 79
Angel of Grief
In the Old Ship Church graveyard in Hingham, Massachusetts. It is a copy of the one in the Protestant graveyard in Rome, Italy, where t...
Day 134
Lilies of the Valley
Sweet smelling mini flowers. #friday #may
Day 160
Charleston Charm
Secret Private Garden in Charleston, South Carolina #afternoon #wednesday #june #theme-round
Day 147
Love in the Springtime
Ladybugs are known to be good luck, so this is a promising sign! #thursday #may #theme-bokeh
Day 224
A Flock at the Top
Rooftop meeting... #thursday #august #theme-roofs
Day 219
Feathers and Reflections
The marching band was looking snazzy this sunny morning in the Professional Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Grand Parade....
Day 470
Wide Open Spaces in Monument Valley
This visitor showed up right outside our cabin in the historic Monument Valley which has been featured in dozens o...
Day 2
Boy in snow globe
Snow, glass globe, boy #saturday #evening #january
Day 88
Inner Beauty
The surprise amaryllis is coming alive! #monday #march
Day 229
Twilight Yellow
Another photo taken at the last moment and in the rain!! And my first time to use a watermark. I found that photos exported from LR so...
Day 250
A Sunset as seen from the Malone Hills
Clouds and the setting sun- a pleasing combination tonight. #evening #tuesday #september
Day 24
Bonita Springs
#morning #sunday #january
Day 194
Golden Eye
Somehow I got the feeling that this huge frog was taking pleasure in the fact that my golf ball landed with a splash very near to him. #aft...
Day 259
Early Fall Field at Twilight
Moving toward fall colors for sure today. #thursday #september