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I retired as a high school guidance counselor and now work part time at the courthouse Since age 10, I have gotten a thrill out of pressing a shutter button. And still do.
#6 275/365
1 streak
Day 993
Speeding in the Tunnel
Day 995
4 D Theater
Boston Museum of Science #theme-messages
Day 997
Winter Love
In Boston
Day 999
Out of the Darkness of Winter
Day 1,002
Womanly Wiles
The fun we have with this! #theme-womanhood
Day 1,006
Oldest operating brewery in the US #theme-brands
Day 1,007
Cabin in Weak Winter Sun
Day 1,008
Vino and Lights
Opened this bottle post photo and had a glass after a dental procedure! #theme-brands
Day 1,010
Really? You're going to cut the tree behind me down?
More on this later.......
Day 1,013
Cutting down a 100 Year Old Maple
Which breaks my heart, but turns out it was a good decision because much of the center was rotten. And it stood righ...
Day 1,014
Super Moon
Day 1,015
It's All a Matter of Perspective
I was bereft to cut down my 100 year old tree, but suddenly I discovered a beautiful view of my neighbor's tree that...
Day 1,016
Afternoon Boost
The habit I am trying to break.... #theme-caffeine
Day 1,018
The Great Escape
Day 1,020
Historic Trail
Chagrin River #theme-stairs
Day 1,022
President McKinley National Monument
108 steps and dozens of people do these for exercise every day! #theme-stairs
Day 1,023
Surprise Amaryllis! They usually bloom around Christmas.
Playing with Lightroom effects
Day 1,025
Snow Drop in the Rain
Found on my walk in an alley.
Day 1,026
March Frosting
Day 1,027
Aged Tree
Day 1,028
Pretty in Pink
Day 1,029
Twin Tulips
Day 1,030
Inner Tulip
Day 1,031
What Can I Get For You?