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“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” — Ansel Adams
#4 45/365
1 streak
Day 1,065
Day #1065
Wild and shy...
Day 1,112
On my way back from a community meetup. Networking and valuable discussions.
Day 1,127
Phantoms of the...
Day 1,135
Day 402
Day 9/#2
Day 405
Day 12/#2
Streak. Well, it may not be visible here, but we've clearly made a wrong decision and the matress went way too high. Sigh... Need to correct...
Day 422
Day 29/#2
Blurred and upside down, just like this day. A nightmare.
Day 444
Day 51/#2
I wouldn't mind an ordinary, boring day with no surprises. Really.
Day 476
Day #476
Had a quick thought that I finished my first 365 project a year ago. Today, if it wasn't for this long break, I could have... perhaps... I'd...
Day 560
Day #560
Day 565
Day #565
Should call it "One step too far..." Such a cold and gloomy day... Miss the sun, miss the snow. Haven't seen a single snowflake this winter....
Day 575
Day #575
Nice time spent in the park. Another unusually warm day.
Day 584
Day #584
Quiet day at home.
Day 606
Day #606
Such an idyllic day... Yeah, right.
Day 617
Day #617
Hello sunset, so nice to see you!
Day 625
Day #625
Blue. No time, hope to catch up soon.
Day 632
Day #632
#theme-pink or pinkish...
Day 634
Day #634
Baking in the sun.
Day 656
Day #656
Same again- too many people ignoring physical distancing. Letterbox fury. Surreal.
Day 667
Day #667
Day 679
Day #679
Let's pretend it's not here.
Day 688
Day #688
In a hurry. Well, actually, I was not. 8k steps.Took another long walk to clear my mind. A partial success. Real pleasure to experience the c...
Day 691
Day #691
Darker. Heavier.
Day 703
Day #703
A bike trip in the late afternoon. Hope to make it my daily routine soon. Made me feel really good. Evaluation interview on Monday, so still...