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Mateusz Maciejuk

Sympatyk języka niemieckiego, czeskiej krainy, spacerów, turystyki pieszej i rowerowej. Introvertic not taking photos day by day > daily photos wherever I am. Maybe some change?
#1 200/365
15 streak
Day 65
Ozdoba ścienna
Day 66
pod sufitem
Day 67
Dzień upłynął
Niech ten miesiąc się już skończy.
Day 68
Day 69
Day 70
sun painting
Day 71
A key
Day 74
Day 76
In the backyard
Day 77
Forming a fragment of cosmos
Day 78
Sun with its coronal mass
Day 79
A book composition
Day 80
They come in, they come out
Day 81
Moon evening imitation
(with the same lamps, as in earlier light and lamp stories)
Day 82
Day 83
Day 84
10 gaps
Day 85
silent sign in snow
Day 86
books before sleep
Day 87
a crack
Day 88
"There's a devil waiting outside your door" Praga Północ
Day 89
Dictionary books
One of them is heavily used by me since late 90's.
Day 90
math partly in the snow
Day 91
Supportive grid