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#1 365/365
337 streak
Day 77
Nothing like a girls weekend!
Girls weekend! IKEA, juiceland, domain, galleria, heb, Chinese food, trail hikes, redoing studio, bake off : chocolate s...
Day 76
The land of the free
Yard work till 2, went to pig pen BBQ, designing soccer shirts!! #friday #afternoon #march
Day 75
Big Dog's Birthday
Dad's 47th birthday, spring break, cupcake central!! #thursday #afternoon #phone #screen #watch #mobile #technology #business #elec...
Day 74
A Perdenales Expedition
Went 2 enchanted rock/ closed, so we went to Perdenales falls w/ Addie, Matt, me Mikey, mom, and Cy. Nick & Ethan hanging with...
Day 73
Zooming on by
Nana and Poppop left, went to hobby lobby and IKEA, started tshirt designs for school soccer #afternoon #car #tuesday #vehicle #march #s...
Day 72
The wimberley way
Papa hoos, inoz burgers, last day with nana and Poppop #afternoon #food #monday #healthy #corn #cereal #spice #march #popcorn
Day 71
Smile, it's good for you!
Enjoyed a wonderful day with nana, Poppop, Mom, dad, and the boys! Went to Carmella's 2 celebrate dads birthday! #afternoon...
Day 70
Enjoying the day and crafting away
Just chilled! #afternoon #saturday #march
Day 69
Spring at last
Spring break finally! Went to galleria with Caroline, maddie, and Lainey! #friday #afternoon #bottle #glass #perfume #march #confection...
Day 68
Track tastic
Track, storm& lightning after the 800, 1st day with nana and Poppop #thursday #afternoon #landscape #tree #sky #grass #spring #meadow #gr...
Day 67
Stuck in my shoes
Nana and Poppop came today!! Track, POE #afternoon #wednesday #march
Day 66
Poppn outa Tuesday!
Popcorn party in advisory! Track, baked a cake & cookies!! No hw!... except studying! Nana and Poppop come tomorrow!!! #afternoon...
Day 65
When in doubt pose it out
Track, finished SSR project, no soccer because of tournament! Made cookies, mom made turkey chili, had a great day! #afterno...
Day 64
Land of the Free and Home of the Beef
Road trip with mom back to Austin, Shopping at old navy, soccer game- lost 2-0, getting projects finished! #land...
Day 63
There's no 'Doddy like you!
Soccer tournament: won first game/ lost second- scored in second game, Paradise Cafe with team, Hopdoddy for dinner!! Hang...
Day 62
Fix'n Up a great day
Drove to Waco, saw Magnolia!! In Dallas, about to play in soccer tornament, art with mom, and whole foods! #friday #afternoon #ci...
Day 61
Late nights and bright lights
Soccer@roundrock, leaving 4 Waco tomorrow! #thursday #afternoon #march
Day 60
The imploding mind
Ssr project... again #afternoon #wednesday #fruit #palm #banana #march
Day 59
The Look
Track, SSR project, Just getting stuff done #tuesday #art #february
Day 58
Music to my ears
Track, soccer, projects #afternoon #guitar #music #monday #instrument #musical-instrument #february #musical #acoustic-guitar #string...
Day 57
Love that Rudy's!
Sunday laxin and popcorn crackin! #afternoon #sunday #building #theater #cinema #february #structure
Day 56
Saturday fun
Lazy day, relax all the way! #afternoon #saturday #february
Day 55
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Track, track, track! #friday #afternoon #february #itsfriday
Day 54
Roaring loud, dripping proud!
Track meet, HW, Thursday! And the living room furniture came in today!! #thursday #afternoon #stadium #february #notlast