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#2 286/365
1 streak
Day 51
took a break while studying #evening #wednesday #may
Day 50
new flowers and a really clean flowerpot ;) #evening #tuesday #may
Day 49
another pic from my phone #night #monday #may
Day 48
flower weekend!
#evening #sunday #may
Day 47
#saturday #evening #may
Day 46
my hometown
on my way to school. taken with my phone, so sorry for the low quality. #friday #night #may
Day 45
my feelings today #thursday #night #may
Day 44
Finally I've bought the 58ex speedlite! It was the high time! #evening #wednesday #may
Day 43
My mom working in the garden #evening #tuesday #may
Day 42
detail #2
bday's gift from my lovely friends new favourites #evening #monday #may
Day 41
my uncle's painting #afternoon #sunday #may
Day 40
sleepy saturday
and my little ball of fur - Lucyna! #morning #saturday #may
Day 39
progress! #friday #evening #may
Day 38
another square
#thursday #evening #may
Day 37
I saw this light after I woke up (6 am) and I just had to go straight to the garden and take a photo! #night #wednesday #may #theme-silhou...
Day 36
Forrest Gump said that life was like a box of chocolates. Well, my box is half empty #evening #tuesday #may
Day 35
today i passed out for the first time in my life, such a strange feeling. inspiring. #night #monday #may
Day 34
all day with Chemistry :c #evening #sunday #may
Day 33
From today's photoshoot for :) #morning #saturday #may
Day 32
for tea lovers
we made this for our lovely friend :) #friday #afternoon #may
Day 31
I totally forgot about tookapic today so I went outside at 9 pm and this is a result! #thursday #evening #may
Day 30
#afternoon #wednesday #may
Day 29
morning coffee
#morning #tuesday #may
Day 28
my love for instax is getting bigger and bigger every day! Photo from today's meeting with my friend :) #evening #monday #may