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Grzegorz Milewski

#1 365/365
12 streak
Day 193
#thursday #evening #july
Day 194
Alice in Wonderland
#friday #afternoon #july
Day 195
#afternoon #saturday #july
Day 196
Window of opportunity
#afternoon #sunday #july
Day 197
Top 2
#afternoon #monday #july
Day 198
#afternoon #tuesday #july
Day 199
The struggling
#night #wednesday #july
Day 200
Don't stop
#thursday #night #july
Day 201
A nap
#friday #afternoon #july
Day 202
#afternoon #saturday #july
Day 203
#evening #sunday #july
Day 204
For better or worse
#evening #monday #july
Day 205
"Smell the sea and feel the sky"
#evening #tuesday #july #theme-summer-vibes
Day 206
"Have the lambs stopped screaming?"
#morning #wednesday #july
Day 207
Good night
#thursday #evening #july
Day 208
#friday #evening #july
Day 209
#saturday #night #july
Day 210
#afternoon #sunday #july
Day 211
#afternoon #monday #july
Day 212
#morning #tuesday #august
Day 213
#evening #wednesday #august
Day 214
#morning #thursday #august
Day 215
#friday #evening #august
Day 216
#saturday #evening #august