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mina juveler

I walk. I look. I see. I stop. I photograph. I'm still learning. Comments and remarks regarding my photos are very welcome.
#2 1/365
3 streak
Day 337
My first Christmas card this year
#october #afternoon #sunday
Day 338
#morning #october #monday
Day 339
#october #afternoon #tuesday
Day 340
#october #evening #wednesday
Day 341
Sunny day
#thursday #october #afternoon
Day 342
#october #friday #evening
Day 343
#october #afternoon #saturday
Day 344
#october #afternoon #sunday
Day 345
Autumn trees
#morning #october #monday #theme-autumn-colorss
Day 346
Autumn in the city
#october #afternoon #tuesday #theme-autumn-colorss
Day 347
Autumn evening
#october #evening #wednesday #theme-autumn-colors
Day 348
Foggy morning
#morning #thursday #october
Day 349
No, it’s not fog...
#morning #october #friday
Day 350
Minimalism nad colours
On Saturday I’ve taken part in Patryk Wikaliński’s lecture on editing photos and in a photo walk. This is the result - architec...
Day 351
A fly
I've bought macro lenses for my mobile and I'm learning how to use it. It's much more difficult than I thought :) #october #afternoon #sunday
Day 352
Autumn fog
#morning #october #monday
Day 353
Rany day
#october #afternoon #tuesday
Day 354
Autumn fruit
#october #afternoon #wednesday
Day 355
After the exam
#thursday #october #afternoon
Day 356
City at night
#october #friday #evening
Day 357
#october #saturday #evening
Day 358
Hello autumn
#october #evening #sunday
Day 359
Look up
#october #afternoon #monday
Day 360
The last day
The last day in the office where I’ve spent the last eleven months and the last photo of the view from my window. I’ll miss the office, t...