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Dream, learn, try and create. Day after day
#3 27/365
1 streak
Day 641
The Force
Day 654
Day 669
Day 685
Day 711
Day 511
Day 548
The Spook’s Apprentice
Day 561
Day 571
Day 591
Day 719
Witch & Co
Day 729
Day 461
Streak at Gina’s
Day 480
Lola Flores
Here in Jerez de la Fontera, at the Flamenco Festival, I had to take a picture of this statue. It represents one of the greatest Flamenco...
Day 497
My Assistant
#theme-brands Streak
Day 517
Day 562
Bubble Tea
I had today my first bubble tea. Well, it was interesting and yummy! #theme-sweet
Day 609
Day 621
Low Tide
Last day in Vendée. Always sad to end the holidays but always glad to go home.
Day 633
Day 646
Day 648
Day 665
Summer's Ending
Day 686