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Film Photography
#1 46/365
1 streak
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
開著最愛的老車,一台紅色的愛快羅密歐 停在公司樓下打電話給我 我帶著相機下樓,決定把打開車門的那瞬間拍下來,因為回想起多年前最後的那面是不太...
Day 18
Day 17
Deeper than the oceans
一直很喜歡公路旅行,只要是開往大海或山林,漫無目的都很好。 前陣子朋友問我有沒有看過一部本土電影,那樣子的愛情有沒有可能發生在現...
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11
Day 10
On the road
不能累了就休息餓了就吃,這條路還很長。 我常在心裡和自己這樣叮嚀 因為經常想起年輕時過世男友刺在肩後的 關於苦其心志、勞其筋骨、痛其髮膚 關於...
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
In the eyes of many people, the street cat is like invisible garbage, but it is so cute in my eyes. #indoors #portrait #outdoors #monday #ca...
Day 5
Good morning
I woke up at five o'clock , the camp near the sea , another person was still asleep. #outdoors #lake #landscape #sunday #light #water #se...
Day 4
The Sea with 2001:A Space Odyssey
We are lying on the beach, watching old movies at midnight, including '2001: A Space Odyssey.' It feels like we're i...
Day 3
Share our dinner and breakfast for the cats 像你說的我很冷漠,因為我們都不是那種在愛情裡扮演熱情的角色,可能會遇到很多這類的問題,像生活、像性...
Day 1
you stay in the house and waiting , but you don't know what you're waiting for #portrait #bird #landscape #dog #light #wednesday #art #people #pa...