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Nicolas Camenisch

“Great photography is always on the edge of failure.” – Garry Winogrand
#2 318/365
1 streak
Day 73
After what feels like a thousand attempts and at least one blister on my thumb I got the perfect shot. I used my DIY diopter and placed the lig...
Day 74
Reactor Control Room
Today I was at the nuclear power plant in Leibstadt. Sadly I wasn't allowed to take my camera into the security zone and take a p...
Day 75
This optical phenomena is called birefringence. Take a transparent piece of plastic, place it infant of your computer monitor and take a pi...
Day 76
Jar of Souls
For this weeks theme I experimented with burning paste and a jar. I absolutely love the result. In the end I accidentally broke the jar,...
Day 77
Burning hot Chili
This is the picture I originally intended to take yesterday but I didn't have any chilli peppers. This was a rather tricky shot to g...
Day 78
Rain Drops
For the last day of the hot week, I chose this pic to cool off a bit. #afternoon #sunday #water #drop #rain #drops #wet #blue #lazy #cold #...
Day 79
Wood Carving Tools
My entry for this week's theme: My wood carving tools. #indoors #night #wood #monday #fashion #november #wooden #knife #business #t...
Day 80
Burnt matches are so fragile. I accidentally destroyed four matches while taking this photo just by touching them with my lamp... :) #night #woo...
Day 81
I allay liked how wood can tell you it's story. What story does this desk tell you? #night #old #vintage #retro #wood #dark #desk #water #...
Day 82
Christmas lights
On my way back home I saw the my neighbours already put up his Christmas lights. So I snapped these beautiful bokeh balls. #thursday...
Day 83
Void Funnel
On some days you are inspired and wake up with an amazing idea, and on others you search for hours and just can't get a satisfying photo.....
Day 84
Hidden Society
Finally I had time to go to the forrest and shoot a bit. I saw this beautiful pile of moss covered sticks lying on the ground. Luckily...
Day 85
First Snow
Today morning the first snow fell. Sadly it was already melted two hours later. #morning #forest #outdoors #nature #wood #sunday #tree #lea...
Day 86
Mountain View
Just the view from my roof. It is sad how the days get shorter and shorter. I'm only able to shoot during the day on the weekend... #out...
Day 87
Aluminum Mountain
Streak pic #nature #food #evening #dark #tuesday #color #art #november #rock #streak #pattern #desktop #shape #abstract #colorful #a...
Day 88
Waiting at the Railroad Station
Today I missed my train so I had some time to explore the train station. I was fascinated by this mist. I went down to...
Day 89
Saw this carrot graffiti on my way home. I really liked how it looked. #thursday #outdoors #nature #afternoon #old #wood #graffiti #orange #art...
Day 90
Strange Clouds
I have no idea why but these clouds look absolutely wrong to me. #outdoors #nature #friday #afternoon #evening #landscape #light #water...
Day 91
Received my new carbon tripod today and had to try it out. #saturday #night #evening #car #light #road #dark #street #city #sky #tripod #bridge...
Day 92
Another shot of the alps. I stacked multiple 30sec exposures to get a 3min exposure. #morning #outdoors #nature #lake #mountains #landscape #sund...
Day 93
Maybe not a typical houseplant but at least it is a plant that is in my house :) #nature #food #evening #foodporn #monday #fruits #tomatoes #...
Day 94
Clementine 🍊
I'm ready for the Christmas season 🎄🎁 #nature #food #evening #sweet #wood #tuesday #color #lights #christmas #fruit #warm #bokeh #novembe...
Day 95
Another closeup shot. This time of a bunch of colourful straws. #evening #dark #tuesday #color #wednesday #city #home #drink #christmas #tube #...
Day 96
Hibiscus #2
#thursday #outdoors #nature #evening #color #tree #red #garden #leaf #flower #november #bright #closeup #summer #floral #petal #beautiful...