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I am an artist and my goal with this project is to become a keener observer of life and things around me. I also want to become a better photographer.
#1 365/365
22 streak
Day 241
Ice plant
Ice plant flowering in raised bed. #afternoon #green #tuesday #flower #pink #september #ice-plant
Day 264
Some bowls on my kitchen counter. #thursday #october #afternoon #green #kitchen #blue #yellow #bowls
Day 312
Three clips
Clips we keep on our fridge. #morning #wednesday #red #blue #yellow #pencil #november #pen #school #writing #object #felt-tip-pen #clips #...
Day 340
I spent time today reading this photography book by Laura Wilson titled "That Day". This book was mentioned on the Art of Photography you tube...
Day 350
Tree in winter
Enjoying the idea of trees in winter. #morning #food #saturday #white #tree #fruit #winter #healthy #january #health #freshness #theme-...
Day 7
Cedar demise
arrangement of dead cedar leaves #afternoon #saturday #vintage #retro #design #dirt #texture #pattern #january
Day 11
Cranberry Paisley
Dwarf highbush cranberries arranged on snow #afternoon #vintage #wednesday #design #painting #dirt #texture #pattern #february #stai...
Day 22
Native yucca in winter. #afternoon #sunday #february
Day 56
Leaves emerging
First leaves on false spirea - Sorbaria sorbifolia. We have had a very warm winter due to El Nino. Our woody plants are leafing out ab...
Day 57
Buds breaking
Buds breaking on Prunus tomentosa - Nanking Cherry. #nature #afternoon #landscape #sunday #buds #march #vegetation #nanking-cherryt #pru...
Day 63
Emerging Avens
Three flowered avens (Geum triflorum) emerging 6 weeks too early due to our warm winter. This is a native prairie wildflower in this re...
Day 65
Sourdough loaf I baked today. #afternoon #food #monday #bread #meal #march #freshness #sourdough
Day 68
Fern leaves on a huge fern we have in our house. #thursday #nature #evening #landscape #leaf #plant #march #fern #vegetation #growth
Day 73
Unimaginative today - just a magpie on my lawn. #nature #afternoon #bird #landscape #tuesday #animal #lawn #feather #wing #beak #april #vegetat...
Day 81
Nanking Cherry
Nanking cherry - Prunus tomentosa - in bloom #afternoon #wednesday #flower #pink #april #cherry #nanking-cherry
Day 85
Quilt under way.
Machine quilting. This is my first project with hand dyed fabric. #afternoon #sunday #april #theme-handcraft #quilting #dyeing
Day 86
Blood root
One of my favourite spring time blossoms. Blood root - Sanguinaria canadensis. #afternoon #monday #spring #blossom #april #blood-root
Day 88
Double flowering plum
The blossoms are finally open on the double flowering plum. #morning #wednesday #pink #spring #blossom #april #double-flowering-...
Day 89
Moss phlox
Perennial moss phlox - another early spring bloom. #thursday #afternoon #flower #pink #spring #april #moss-phlox
Day 90
Apple blossom
Blossom on our Norland apple. #friday #afternoon #white #flower #spring #april #apple-blossom
Day 94
Thread bowl
This is a bowl I made for a friend. I hand-dyed cording a bluish colour and then covered it with various silk, rayon and polyester threads...
Day 102
Pulmonaria in bloom
Pulmonaria is unusual in that it blooms in two colours on the same plant. As a medicinal it is used to treat lungs. The spotted le...
Day 104
spoons plus photoshop
I decided to play with this image today - sort of fun. #friday #may #wooden-table #wood-grain #spoons
Day 105
Ready to bloom
Chives - they grow in a crack in the sidewalk and we can't get rid of them. They are quite pretty though. #morning #nature #food #satur...