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I like the image in photography, in painting, in cinema , ..... I want to capture the moment , details , an atmosphere , colors, ... And I hope to make progress with this challenge!
#4 148/365
148 streak
Day 464
Agnès Martin exhibition in Guggenheim museum
A great weather to visit museum! Beautiful exhibition, beautiful museum! #indoors #morning #october #satu...
Day 399
Djakuma... 's ear
I missed so much Djakuma during these for weeks holidays, I was so happy to see her again, and she is very happy to be at home again...
Day 456
Falling drops
still experimenting macro #october #friday #afternoon #drop #rain #flower #theme-rain
Day 485
#afternoon #saturday #dog #cat #animal #november #pet #mammal #vertebrate #carnivorous #felines #felidae #placental #canidae
Day 526
Stairway to ...
Zurich main station, back to my family to celebrate Christmas. #friday #evening #rail #steel #transport #stairs #architecture #concret...
Day 536
Nature abstract #6
The beach! #nature #afternoon #landscape #monday #water #sea #blue #sky #brown #sunrise #cloud #sunset #sunny #ocean #beach #horizo...
Day 457
Flying away
Still experimenting some programs of the Oly. #morning #october #outdoors #nature #saturday #bird #landscape #animal #blue #sky #flying #c...
Day 466
It's not an ice rink!
It' the World Trace Center made by Calatrava, near Ground Zero. #october #afternoon #monday
Day 503
a pic taken between the work and a visit to the hospital to my uncle. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #lake #bird #landscape #water #wednesday #t...
Day 506
"Ceci n'est pas une pipe"
Tribute to René Magritte #afternoon #saturday #design #december #illustration
Day 515
Mmmmmm... Smells good
Not the best pic, but some days, it's very difficult to have time to shoot pictures. My uncle is again at hospital and I was all...
Day 520
Lausanne in the misty sunset
The view from my uncle hospital room. #morning #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #landscape #sky #sunrise #cloud #su...
Day 601
#night #wednesday #fly #insect #dragonfly #march #invertebrate #arthropod #damselfly
Day 635
Transhumance #2: in the air
I've got some problems with my camera! I think I'm going to have to shoot all my pics on hollidays with my iphone! PFFFF!...
Day 639
Purple, yellow, white spring
#morning #saturday #garden #flower #plant #flowers #spring #summer #floral #petal #blossom #april #bloom #daisy #flora
Day 645
Nature abstract #16
#friday #evening #grass #leaf #flower #plant #spring #herb #april #dandelion #plant-part
Day 418
My Oly...+
First contribution to the weekly theme. I love these 45mm lens, great for portraits. #selfie #camera #evening #black-and-white #tuesday #pe...
Day 432
Just a quick macro! #nature #afternoon #tuesday #flower #abstract #vegetation #september #theme-gradients #flower-abstract
Day 436
Taken during a walk in the forest! I love nymphea, and my favorite paints are "les nymphea" from Monet in the "Orangerie" in Paris, I could st...
Day 469
Pipilotti Rist's exhibition in the New Contemporary Art Museum
Incredible beautiful exhibition, incredible emotions. It's the end of my tip in NYC, I...
Day 478
Little boy
There is a nice tradition in my village, one evening in the year the authorities offers a meal to all the residents. There is always a lot...
Day 480
"ma préférence à moi..."
MY SONY and the gopro. I must say I love my Sony and the lens which is on this pic, it's the 24-40, I love the quality of the...
Day 493
view from my office
I worked all the day, so I took a pic of the view I have from my office at home. #morning #outdoors #nature #landscape #sunday #tr...
Day 532
Almost infinity
a typical spanish experiment: Ikea! #thursday #afternoon #architecture #europe #december