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I like the image in photography, in painting, in cinema , ..... I want to capture the moment , details , an atmosphere , colors, ... And I hope to make progress with this challenge!
#4 158/365
158 streak
Day 1,102
Djak's nose
Day 1,108
White, blue and black
Day 1,129
red and juicy
Day 1,137
Day 1,149
Day 1,159
Rising sun over the Lake
Day 1,170
Day 1,191
Day 1,202
Day 1,203
Day 1,208
Day 1,211
Day 1,215
Tissage, la maison de Canuts, Lyon
Incredible work!
Day 1,227
Day 1,236
Day 1,245
Day 1,104
Nose, Inka ´s nose
Day 1,106
Little snow, little sunday walk
Day 1,114
Day 1,118
Djak... encore et encore
Day 1,120
Nature, not natural
Day 1,128
Day 1,139
Atelier de Marie Matrailler Evolene
Day 1,146