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#7 140/365
6 streak
Day 853
Resolution no. 6: Drink Less
Resolution no. 6: Drink Less #theme-resolutions
Day 870
Building Up
Still streaking. Sigh. And the traffic was just building up a bit on my way back from lunch #theme-traffic
Day 871
Psychedelic Tunnel
Snowing, slippery roads... cars everywhere. And there I was, phone in hand, snapping shots. Then I decided to go pointillist. And w...
Day 1,022
View from the Top
BBQ on a Geneva terrace
Day 1,028
Streaky streaky
Day 1,070
A Mirror, a Drink and a Recognisable Foot
Having a drink with @jewels in a restaurant with a mirrored table... #theme-sky-slices
Day 1,101
Ready to Play
... but actually never used! #theme-games
Day 1,135
Yellowing Leaves
Day 1,137
View from the Top
Or rather from the Château de Nyon
Day 1,144
Nyon, Early Evening
Strange and sad day. Funeral for a friend... in Nyon, on a Wednesday. I’m usually here on Wednesday, but it was sad to be here for...
Day 1,150
Halloween at the Mall
Day 1,159
Streaky streaky #theme-arch
Day 1,192
Freezer Innards
Day 1,359
Welding Metal
I wandered outside to see what the noise was... they’re welding bits of metal to other bits of metal #theme-sound
Day 1,591
Pieces of Me
Trying out different things. This is what happens when you pano your face... I felt it was a pretty good reflection of how I feel these d...
Day 1,594
Smile - It's Friday!
So weird taking pix of myself this week... I’m really not a selfie person! #theme-self-portrait
Day 1,646
My Mother, Myself
Generations of women... #theme-womanhood
Day 1,737
Scritch Scratch
Eirinn with a blurry foot #theme-motion-blur
Day 1,762
Dandelion, Ready to Fly
Day 2,277
Upside Downside
Looking the other way. But which?
Day 625
Ears of the Gargoyle
... or the back of his head! #outdoors #nature #afternoon #food #tuesday #garden #may #no-person #theme-faceless-portrait
Day 697
They need water, like most of the garden #morning #thursday #outdoors #nature #color #park #garden #leaf #flower #branch #bright #closeup #s...
Day 782
Peering From Behind
#october #friday #afternoon #theme-unusual-perspective
Day 801
At Night, from a Distance
Streak! And grainy. Very grainy. Dare I say: pointilliste? ;) #outdoors #afternoon #evening #light #road #water #wednesday #...