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#7 240/365
38 streak
Day 1,894
My goddogter is visiting! #theme-mobile-photography
Day 2,000
Went to an art expo where @jewels is showing some of her work. The expo’s theme is Travel. It was great to be there! Thanks @jewels! (And glad th...
Day 2,030
Lilies and Birds of Paradise
Happy Sunday, all!
Day 2,113
Expressing herself rather vocally. And showing off her whiskers
Day 2,177
Miss Thea
Day 2,183
Thea on the Stairs
… just after midnight. #theme-cats
Day 2,203
The Glare
Thea doing her grumpy cat thing
Day 2,223
In the Wind
Day 2,249
Through the Dust
Day 2,257
Rusty Drain
Day 2,283
In the Mist
Day 2,285
I love the light these days - it feels magical in the mornings
Day 2,343
Just Waking Up
Day 85
Three Windows
So, the iPhone ran out of battery and the light was going (not that there was much anyway), so I had to fish out my trusty old Nikon (my...
Day 86
Three Lamps
... and four jars. Been seeing things in numerical form everywhere! #afternoon #tuesday #sky #clouds #lamps #architecture #building #novem...
Day 106
Father Xmas
Part of the village decorations - practical if you run out of firewood. #afternoon #wood #monday #tree #logs #decoration #december #santa...
Day 119
Happy New Year!
...or: Same tree, different day! #forest #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #sunday #tree #branch #january #season #vegetation
Day 135
Playing around with blur and movement, ended up with an almost abstract watercolor. #morning #dog #tuesday #animal #blur #fur #january #p...
Day 173
Don't open it... you never know what might be hiding underground. Or maybe everyone's already dead? #morning #friday #old #leaves #grass #wall...
Day 175
Drain Cover
Which could also be considered a rural manhole cover. At odd moments I wonder who designs these things. I like the pattern of this one #af...
Day 233
Bucephalus... or Binky?
Either way, definitely a red horse #afternoon #tuesday #horse #figurine #april #weight #porcelain #sports-equipment #dumbbell...
Day 247
Vegetable Garden
That's work, right? Even if someone else is responsible for it? :D #afternoon #green #landscape #tuesday #tree #park #garden #grass #...
Day 266
Lone White Rosebud
Among all the glorious colors, just one slightly chewed on white rosebud, in a pink rosebush this time. Still trying to figure out...
Day 270
Pharoah Moth
Yes, he's blurry, but I can't believe I caught him! I was aiming at the honeysuckle which is starting to bloom, when this little guy zipp...