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#7 141/365
7 streak
Day 1,702
Truck Flatbed
Day 1,791
Fête du Vigneron
Day 1,814
Day 1,815
Selfie Captured
Day 1,820
Garden Party
Day 1,821
Wind Chimes
Day 1,822
Half a View
Day 1,823
Half Full
Day 1,832
Some sunshine…
Day 1,842
... For the Trees
Day 1,844
Attila's Gang
Attila’s the black and white rooster. There are other roosters in the gang but he’s the boss
Day 1,847
Looking Through
Day 1,853
Through the Window
Day 1,873
Day 1,878
Scary Face
Day 1,880
Day 1,887
Slab in Autumn
Day 1,894
My goddogter is visiting! #theme-mobile-photography
Day 1,924
Carouge, Evening
Away from the crowds at the Xmas market. #theme-slices-of-life
Day 2,059
Still with the flowers… #theme-bloom
Day 2,225
Théa, offended about… something. Possibly that I’m taking her picture. Again.
Day 2,276
Herding Humans
Lots of little worker bees on their way to their daily toil… humans are mammals too ;). #theme-mammals
Day 840
Tree #theme-christmas-spirit
Day 846
Lazy Day
Lazy Day #theme-lazy