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#7 240/365
38 streak
Day 1,066
Over the Rooftop
Day 1,092
Sunday Hugo
The makings for a Hugo - elderberry liquor, prosecco and bubbly water, topped off with a sprig of mint. Yummy #theme-row
Day 1,109
Dark Horses...
Day 1,123
What?! I’m Busy...
No one wanted to pose today... #theme-doggos
Day 1,139
Got a busy day today, so just took a quick shot of the bouquet that’s still going strong
Day 1,166
Three Generations... Say "Cheese"!
Or not! Trying to get them to smile on purpose isn’t working - but close! #theme-smile
Day 1,175
Bye Bye Tunisian Sky
On the way home. Sigh. And as it’s Steel week, of course I’ve got to include the plane! #theme-steel
Day 1,186
More Vroom
Day 1,187
Fiat Vroom
Crazy week... looks like it’s going to be car logis all week! #theme-logos
Day 1,193
Battery pack and hard drive... energy in, data out... #theme-flatlay-tech
Day 1,195
Old Tech
Day 1,215
Day 1,238
... and not the food for once! #theme-superior-interior
Day 1,304
Chair on Bench
A.K.A. a double decker #theme-wtf
Day 1,311
Sparkly Bubbles
Day 1,320
Day 1,323
Just to round out the week, my wisteria conveniently starting blooming. Everything’s early this year #theme-vernal
Day 1,331
Day 1,333
Too pretty today to ignore
Day 1,341
Day 1,342
Someone saw a mouse? #theme-shadow-play
Day 1,376
Morning Rose
With dew (or is that rain?) and all... #theme-morning
Day 1,422
Spritz, Pesto, Chips...
I might make a theme out of things consumed at my garden table! These are all variations of classics: the spritz is made with...
Day 1,429
Tomaytoes Tomahtoes