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#7 143/365
9 streak
Day 1,172
Steel Cerberus
At least I think it’s mean to be! It seemed to have several heads and looked vaguely mad-doggy-like #theme-steel
Day 1,175
Bye Bye Tunisian Sky
On the way home. Sigh. And as it’s Steel week, of course I’ve got to include the plane! #theme-steel
Day 1,177
Wine Glass
Forgotten on a table in an Irish pub... #theme-forgotten
Day 1,185
Vroom Vroom
Day 1,188
Opel Vroom
Day 1,216
Silk Threads
Day 1,254
Through the Car Window
That counts, right? #theme-out-the-window
Day 1,262
Walking the Dogs
Day 1,263
Feeding Bowls
Day 1,284
Through the Stone Barrier
Day 1,289
Kayla Again
An At Home theme is going to include the dogs.,, #theme-at-home
Day 1,294
Just because they’re pretty and they’re next to my front door. And my fridge is too full to do a pandemic-fridge pic
Day 1,305
Attack of the Killer Spider Potatoes
... cleaning out the vegetable bin #theme-wtf
Day 1,314
Can Opener
Starting to realise there’s a lot of pink in my kitchen... #theme-pink
Day 1,326
Muffin Schmuffin
They looked good. They smelled good. They tasted foul. That’s what I get for using a very-past-date corn muffin mix... #theme-orange
Day 1,327
50 Shades of Orange
... and mandarines and possible some clementines and definitely a lemon. That isn’t orange, but could possibly be green if I don’t...
Day 1,334
Motherboard 3
Day 1,343
The Inner St Bernard
Tiny dog on the outside... Eirinn’s projecting who she really is... #theme-shadow-play
Day 1,344
Happy Mother's Day
In Switzerland at least! Here’s a rose to all the moms out there
Day 1,360
Barking Darcy
Lots of noise... #theme-sound
Day 1,366
Almost Summer
Weather’s gorgeous today... happy Pentecost, all!
Day 1,373
Morning Walk
Walking the dogs. No idea where the rest went... #theme-morning
Day 1,378
Streaky Rose
In a rush...
Day 1,379
Chicken Morning
Henry II and two of his ladies #theme-morning