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#7 240/365
38 streak
Day 1,031
Wading Pool
Actually the dog’s pool now... I was going to take a picture of my feet in it, call it “Swimming” and add it to the theme, but after all t...
Day 1,033
Fitness? Schmitness!
Chanteloup laughing at my suggestion to go for a walk. Happy chillin’ In the garden.,,
Day 1,040
Tracks in the Field
No time for thought today...
Day 1,045
Rose & Sky
Still aiming for the theme... #theme-negative-space
Day 1,130
Stairs & Roses
Streak shot
Day 1,132
Autumn Colors
Streak on the way home
Day 1,133
Morning Walk
The dogs again!!! Jess and Quinox, with Eirinn behind
Day 1,139
Got a busy day today, so just took a quick shot of the bouquet that’s still going strong
Day 1,155
Pumpkin Bread
Trying a new recipe
Day 1,156
Front Door
Day 1,161
Duck @ Jardin de Pinchat
Lovely dinner
Day 1,188
Opel Vroom
Day 1,195
Old Tech
Day 1,228
Day 1,248
Pointing at the Moon
Day 1,250
Over the Bridge
One really shouldn’t take pix out the window when driving... #theme-in-motion
Day 1,259
Through the Front Door
Day 1,265
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie...
Chanteloup asleep #theme-slices-of-life
Day 1,308
Day 1,326
Muffin Schmuffin
They looked good. They smelled good. They tasted foul. That’s what I get for using a very-past-date corn muffin mix... #theme-orange
Day 1,333
Too pretty today to ignore
Day 1,343
The Inner St Bernard
Tiny dog on the outside... Eirinn’s projecting who she really is... #theme-shadow-play
Day 1,360
Barking Darcy
Lots of noise... #theme-sound
Day 1,363
It was a tiny delicious chard gratin cooked by the neighbor and inhaled in 20 seconds