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Ger Enriquez

#1 365/365
1 streak
Day 333
Germany Toys
Hold your epileptic judgement. You should listen to this car story first. And it better be a good one because this is horrible. Germany T...
Day 9
De-lightning the Park
Taking down the lights from the Festival de Luces at Parque Carcamos. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #monday #tree #par...
Day 53
Japan's Flag by Coca Cola
My mother is a huge Coca Cola merchandise collector. Ironically you can only find Pepsi Light in her fridge. #evening #wedne...
Day 60
Street tacos are good, but when they use grilled cheese as tortilla they become divine. #food #evening #cooking #wednesday #dinner #meat #g...
Day 63
Life on the Slow Lane
Children's birthday parties, or how to realize that having kids may not be a great idea all in all. #saturday #evening #children...
Day 69
You Took my Queen
Chess night. Defeat night. Taro night. #friday #evening #game #chess #puzzle #man #march #crossword-puzzle
Day 70
Natural Code
Last day of Coal Stories at Museo Verde. Looking forward for the next art exhibit at my office. #nature #afternoon #saturday #sculpture #...
Day 80
Injury Games
We've returned to play football, my childhood friends and I, since around 3 weeks ago and there's been already 6 injured. Old age is real...
Day 79
Flowers Of March
Spring is here. Mexican flowers don't give a fuck, they bloom all year long. #friday #evening #tree #garden #leaf #flower #plant #pin...
Day 89
Raw Talent
Forget all you know about physics and gravity. Mysterious talented street beggar is here to blow your mind. Not. #friday #afternoon #street...
Day 103
Friendly Cushion
Found a quite stunning pillow with reversible sequins. Not comfortable at all. #friday #afternoon #pillow #lace #april #girly #hola
Day 105
Cozy Coachella
It's finally that time of the year when the merciful technology allows you to be in the most comfortable music festival there might be....
Day 109
Easter Farm
One of the few places with the american Easter theme was the zoo. I bet most animals were pretty confused to see giant colored eggs everyw...
Day 130
Mothers' Mother's Day
My mother and my sister, who is also a mother of two mini humans. #portrait #evening #sunday #beach #mother #body #summer #model...
Day 135
Huizache Heaven
Roadtrip to rescue an environmental education facility at Mesa del Obispo. Quite high, quite dry, lots of curious vegetation. #morning...
Day 151
Tlaloc's Eye
Frightfully rare cloud formations today. I believe ancient religious mexicans would have been scared as hell to experience the rain god T...
Day 153
Vegan Wonderland
It's been seven hours and fifteen days, since my girlfriend went on a vegan diet. Welcome quinoa, hummus, falafel and your healthy fr...
Day 157
Under The Bridge
One of Leon's secret paradises lies in a natural canyon surrounded by residential greed. Easier access could highlight its beauty. So...
Day 173
Exit Through The Gift Shop
Even isolated ghost towns can't escape the souvenir tradition. Huicholes, Norteños, Mayas, Aztecas and even Rastafari, who...
Day 187
Exotic Legs
Leon's zoo got certified by the International Aquariums & Zoos Association. Big ceremony with great horizons for scientific research. #por...
Day 202
Garden Hipnosis
Windmill, windmill for the land, turn forever hand in hand. Take it all in your stride. Is everybody in? #friday #evening #dark #garde...
Day 212
Ten Years After
Highschool brotherhood reunion. Less hair, free time, music jams and more responsibilities but still laughing at every stupid thing th...
Day 214
Never Ending Orbits
Part of the street juggling collection. Still trying to figure out a way to make this scenes professional entertainment rather tha...
Day 224
Annoyed Wet Cat
When cats get wet they completely change their personality. They look like overgrown hedgehogs and if you wrapped them in a towel get...