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Photography love with my wife and yoyoing. Founder of polish yoyo community forum.
#1 365/365
365 streak
Day 121
Housewarming party
We were at the housewarmin party...I have got more than 300 photos from than event (most of them are made by Kasia), so let's start...
Day 122
The bridge
This is new construction and we got lucky, that it was illuminated, when we were passing it by. Made on our way back home from housewarming...
Day 123
Quick abstract
Just a quick abstract for today. Sorry, hot and work. But finally I finished video. Maybe a little change, but nothing time consuming....
Day 124
Old building, where I work isn't good for that temperature level. Hot, like in hell. But when I thiknk about construction workers...daaamn, these...
Day 125
We had our wedding anniversary. Shot taken on way home from our favourite flower shop. Good, that finally something covered (clouds) Sun. It's i...
Day 126
After that day, just one more and I can start my vacation #morning #thursday #outdoors #downtown #city #reflection #urban #glass #sky #window #ar...
Day 127
Little, fun thing
I made it. I survived to vacation in that high-temperature, last work days. What I can tell, is that I had big motivation for work....
Day 128
Streak glass
Really bad photo, but do not have better one. Hope, that this was the last day of such heat. Finished that day on a party, because one of...
Day 129
We spent this day with our closest friends. It was really good to see them after a while. And we had great view in our way back :) good #o...
Day 130
Regular green
It's not a super shot, but I just love the bokeh #outdoors #nature #evening #light #monday #sun #leaf #flower #winter #blur #summer #dof...
Day 131
Near the market
We went for a quik shopping before our trip. Like the colors, like this this residential actually. It looks cool #outd...
Day 132
Hail Prague
Is this city, or mountains? Man it's uphill here, but also - it looks spectacular, when you can see all panoramas or just look down the st...
Day 133
ZOO day
Day at the ZOO. It's really large. We spent there about 6h in harsh light. Too bad, that I don't have polar filter for my Olimpus 45mm, but he...
Day 134
Stormy day and rainy, but we thought, that it wasn't so bad, so we decided to go for a city walk. After two hours we were wet a little. Especia...
Day 135
Not a regular clock
Long day, long, really long walk. Feets were killing me, but it was cool. Oh, maybe not the Charles Bridge. Cartoonists every few...
Day 136
Old timer
There are plenty of them here as a city tour vehicles. This time, I couldn't fit this car in frame, so I made only hood pic and I am happy w...
Day 137
Maybe it wasn't as intense day, as few previous, but because of the sun we were tired and after 7h of walking we got back to the hotel and got a...
Day 138
Panorama view
Very interesting place. This park is on hill. There are trees of course, but in one place trees are gone, and you can see a great panora...
Day 139
Last morning
We had to back from vacation that day. I set my alarm clock to the 5:30, because of the sunrise, but there was nothing interesting. But l...
Day 140
Not today
Day after trip, lazy. Do you have the same? You don't want to unpack your suitcase and do anything. #thursday #evening #steel #lazy #fashion...
Day 141
War is not over
War is not over, we have won the first round, but Tookapic still needs help
Day 142
I have this yoyo for more than 3 years. It's a gift and it has a special engrave with a quote from one of my favourite polish movies. I often quo...
Day 143
Too lazy, to shoot something super interesting when it was rained all day...and it was my last day of "freedom". Time to get back to work #eve...
Day 144
Back to work
First day of work after vacation...wasn't bad. In the morning way to work I knew, what to shoot, but haven't got a time, to get out of th...