My whimsical photography instructor once said in the very beginning of my journey, "What are you photographing when you take a picture'. As you can imagine, there were varied answers, but no one got it right. "Light" he says, when I am making a photography, no matter the subject type, it is always light that I am truly capturing. A light that comes in so many different forms, shapes and curves. Some light you have to chase, some light falls right at your feet every day during during the golden hour or what is known as a sunset. My friends and family are much like light. They come in all different shapes, forms, and experiences. Some people in my life, I had to chase, while others naturally fall right by my side. As much as I am thankful for beautiful light, I am thankful for the beautiful people in my life. Whether they come quick like a flash of light, or they stay a while, bringing forth warmth like the sun, I am thankful.
#morning #october #saturday #light #window #photography #friends #picture #journey #family #shades #photographing #gratitude #thankful #intructor