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Piotr Daniel

Entrepreneur, visual designer, owner @ PDMG EXPO Marketing Group. Adrenaline junkie, motorcyle lover, MTB enthusiast, gamer, amateur photographer.
#1 64/365
1 streak
The dancer - part two
The same object, different lighting and perspective. Photo with flash and additional light sources. #thursday #evening #party #d...
The dancer - part one
A jewellery stand in a form o f a dancer's torso. Here's a shot with no flash, only artificial light. #evening #wednesday #party...
Rainy morning
This rain shower felt more like spring than winter. Pic taken with my cellphone. #tuesday #drop #rain #wet #glass #design #texture #patt...
Easter bunny
Just a porcelain Easter bunny. #night #monday #dark #people #hand #bunny #march #easter #anatomy #porcelain #body-part #theme-easter
A good thing with having an aquarium is that when you have absolutely no inspiration and little time, you can always take the photo of the wi...
A little bit of spring
Weather still not perfect, had to organize some indoor spring for the next few days. ;) #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday...
Leaves in the dark
Yes, another picture of leaves and plants ;) #nature #friday #evening #leaf #march #vegetation
Sunset with the fans
So today I had an unexpected trip and I did not take my DSLR with me. I ended up regretting it badly when a beautiful sunset occu...
Waiting for Easter
Getting ready for Easter and waiting for spring... #evening #wednesday #leaf #flower #spring #egg #bunny #march #vegetation
Fishtank disaster
So I left the aquarium almost unattended for almost two weeks... This is what I found when I came home yesterday... Biggest piece of...
Bad Robot
One of the few robots our client brought to the exhibition booth for CeBit 2016. #morning #white #monday #desk #laptop #march #robot
Hello darkness my old friend
I've come to take pictures of you again... ;) #night #sunday #light #darkness #bush #march
Spring is coming
Or at least I hope so. #morning #nature #saturday #tree #leaf #spring #branch #close #march #vegetation #growth
Light in the black
I always enjoyed taking pictures when it was dark, but never really got good at it. Hopefully this project will change this. #frida...
Fair halls architecture
I forgot to take my DSLR with me to work today, so there's another photo made with my smartphone. #morning #thursday #steel #a...
Knock on wood
You missed a photo of wood, didn't you? :P #evening #wood #wednesday #tree #brown #wall #furniture #texture #wooden #board #pattern #con...
The Pineapple Express
The photo is not perfect, but I had about 3 minutes to find an object, make the exposition and shoot it :) I couldn't find any f...
Another building
Another piece of architecture from Hannover Messe. #outdoors #afternoon #monday #city #blue #glass #sky #steel #window #clouds #archi...
Glass rooftop in the sun
I am at the Hannover Messe for another couple of weeks. A lot of interesting architecture here. Unfortunately I don't have th...
Wood, wood everywhere
A lot of wooden pictures coming - the flat I live in on my business trip is all made of wood ;) Even the toilet ;) #indoors #sat...
Keyboard at night
Working late in an almost dark room. Came up with this idea for todays picture. #friday #night #evening #dark #keyboard #computer #l...
Sky & glass
Tall glass building and the reflection of the sky. Looking for a new perspective. #thursday #outdoors #afternoon #blue #glass #sky #clouds...
Wooden ceiling
I'm out on a business trip for the next 2,5 weeks. This means new surroundings, new objects for photos and hopefully new inspiration. :...
Morning snow
First b&w in the project. Not the kind of morning I would like to have in March... ;) #morning #forest #outdoors #trees #nature #landscap...