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107 photos
Day 35
i want you to be happier
Oh look a picture with actual smiling people! (aka my uni friends) Still not done with exams but some already are so we’re al...
Day 112
indian summer
Autumn is coming. It’s far from my favourite season but it definitely is beautiful.
Day 139
christ church station
Another reflection, I’m so sorry. But those get me through the project.
Day 154
not great, but i’m great
The second Snapchat picture I’m using in the project. This time it’s not because I forgot to take something else, but I reall...
Day 162
I’ve had a great day, but it ended with me having to wait half an hour at Hannover central station, which was a bit of a pain.
Day 210
doom(ed) days
This hasn’t really been the best week. My studying is not going too well and today I got to uni almost 2 hours late because of a train a...
Day 253
lost at uni
I had to pick something up in a different building and it took me a while to find.
Day 360
black lives matter
Again in Hannover for a protest. Great to see so many people show up. It was a little narrow though. (5)
Day 362
train wait
Went to work for the first time in the office today again!! I missed everyone there so much and it feels like a little bit of my old life b...
Day 114
Everyone in Germany goes out to Weinachtsmarkt to drink Gluhwein and eat Bratwurst. #friday #night #metal #market #christmas #asia #par...
Day 191
This is a tram stop in Hannover. :) #afternoon #sunday #black #urban #transport #yellow #architecture #chess #tram #chessboard #february #s...
Day 199
It was just a normal night photo until I saw the marks on the right. Aliens, right? :D #trees #night #evening #landscape #car #light #monday #c...
Day 309
Drei warme Brüder
The proper name is Heizkraftwerk Linden, but everyone here says 'Three warm brothers'. It's a power station. #saturday #night #lands...
Day 12
studying = student + dying
Normally I really don’t mind studying at all but when it’s 31°C (and supposed to be the coolest day of the week!) that make...
Day 23
look at me not working
This picture is actually shit, I wanted to take a better one but forgot :( exam phase is getting to me
Day 223
world gone mad
I terribly hurt my neck while sleeping and now I can’t move my head at all, so navigating the day like this was sort of a disaster. To...
Day 251
spread the love
I’m aware the quality is extremely bad and that this is just a Snapchat filter but tbh it was too cute not to share.
Day 21
work work work
I have to create the powerpoint for a new lecture for my boss and it is.. not going well
Day 22
more reflections (so sorry)
My uni’s library (or one of them actually, there’s like 4) has quite a lot of political messages written anywere. Luckily...
Day 31
alone in the world
Not technically alone, but I had another weekend class while almost everyone I know is on summer vacation. That can actually make y...
Day 38
oh rainy day
That moment when you’re supposed to go partying but it’s just so damn rainy and all you actually want to do is curl up with a blanket.
Day 42
I’m really glad I took this evening sun selfie at the tram stop because otherwise I would have failed.
Day 168
i stress about stress
Today I decided to not go on with a uni project bc I would not have been able to meet the deadline, but I feel very bad about it...
Day 174
mixed feelings
We had our work christmas celebration today and it was fun but I had a panic attack in the morning so I wasn’t feeling super well.