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923 photos
1 follower
Day 1,437
Different color
A storm approaches Tokyo...
Day 1,453
Day 1,490
#autumn #forest
Day 1,546
Huge diagonal vents. Looks like ruins. #tokyo #shinjyuku #vents #air-duct
Day 1,619
TV news reported about global infection...
Day 1,638
I visited this 'hole' a month later. The deep hole with water was buried with soil and hidden as if nothing happened... 😩 The next buyer o...
Day 98
I do not understand but I like it ...
Shibuya, Tokio (J). #afternoon #saturday #downtown #street #city #urban #architecture #building #tower #building...
Day 1,303
Wisteria floribunda
my neighborhood.
Day 1,324
Fortunately, my right ear is in the process of recovery. The 1.3 KHz resonance is now almost disappearing. It's a image of sound now I hear...
Day 1,327
Green Dogwood
from my window. A storm attacks Tokyo today... a month before : #leaves #green #storm #dogwood
Day 1,339
#Food division of a #market in my town. #storefront #shop #store
Day 1,356
Active cat
#sheri is always active! ISO 3200 is not enough to suppress blurring...
Day 1,405
looking up...
Oh I can not see the sky! #theme-sky-slices
Day 1,409
Bye bye Little Kakapo -1
Can you find your memory in #little-kakapo 's #passport? Thank you @richardmorwood from Sydney, @magdatko from Gdnynia-Reykja...
Day 1,430
Tuning Pins
#piano #instrument #theme-row
Day 1,435
Dots on the platform
Hi @120mr , It's Tokyo style of . #theme-dots
Day 1,454
New Internet connection
I decided to update my home Internet connection to an IPv6 connection via GPON. Today optical connection engineer came to my h...
Day 1,469
Sign of Autumn
#autumn #red #autumn-leaves
Day 1,477
The same place of in my garden. This year, the leaves are rough due to the storm. The difference between the...
Day 1,493
in my garden ... #enkianthus-perulatus #autumn-leaves
Day 1,545
Merry Christmas
#theme-jingle-bells #christmas-tree
Day 1,569
Still collapsed
On Oct. 2. 2018, A Typhoon destroyed my balcony handrailing. To be honest, I was depressed and did not go on to repair it 😔 . Now, I f...
Day 1,637
I messed up at paint retouching... 😝
Day 19
Take off
It's my birds practice #2. I keep 1/1000s shutter speed and follow them from side(becaus of Focus). They move very quickly! ...At last, I too...