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142 photos
Day 20
It's so hard to photograph the hands of Max (2 years) sharp because he constantly moves. I made this picture of my own made back drop of viny...
Day 21
A blossom cake
I was shooting with a friend and we both had this image in our mind. #nature #afternoon #saturday #color #tree #garden #leaf #flower #r...
Day 911
That's my badge
Max loves my badge. There are several nice things about my badge; my picture is on it, it's retractable, it has a string and it's dadd...
Day 1,071
This is the drawer with candy. The other boys simply accept that they can't just take candy. Max however ignores that simple rule and sits in th...
Day 1,098
Needed a longer lens
This lady is waiting for the bus, I wanted to make the image when she was unaware. A longer lens would have helped... #indoors #p...
Day 23
My studio
A glimpse in my studio. I use these wooden planks as backdrops, found them in a trash container where I often look in. My husband @robertdb...
Day 56
Foodstyling in the weekend
When I want to do foodstyling in the weekend. Hi Max. #morning #food #saturday #sweet #wood #dinner #table #lunch #plate #w...
Day 898
A messy life
This is an average moment in our house. It's messy, colourful and aimed at playing. I think I would have enjoyed to be a child in this ho...
Day 910
Celebrating your 7th birthday
Joep will be 7 in August, time to celebrate it just before the summer holiday. For children this is quite a big event, a...
Day 913
Making pizza dough
When we make pizza, the dough needs to be prepared in the morning. (Actually at 05:00, but that's a bit unpractical.) Since my wife...
Day 1,003
Full fun
Joep and I went to the fair today. I'm getting a bit old, I was nauseous after a ride in a spinner... Joep had a wonderful time. #portrait #f...
Day 26
Photo props from London
In London I bought some props. When you are a foodstylist you don't buy clothes anymore, you only want the beautiful ceramics....
Day 91
Catching every moment with food #afternoon #food #sunday #cooking #dinner #meat #restaurant #people #hot #flame #meal #delicious #preparation #fry...
Day 93
Beautiful backdrops
I found some beautiful wood for backdrops #nature #old #vintage #retro #evening #wood #tuesday #color #tree #design #wall #door #t...
Day 1,020
A very small moon
There is a church at the end of our street, this is a view to the roofs around that church, into the blue morning sky. Great morning...
Day 1,095
You're so early!
Max, 1 year old, wakes up between 04:00 and 05:30. Damn, that's so early that there is enough morning time to learn a foreign languag...
Day 44
Golden hour in Holland
Experimenting with golden hour in Holland. I think the golden hour in France was much more beautiful. #indoors #food #evening #...
Day 912
I don't like to be clean up
Max loves a lot of things, but as any child, a wet cleaning towel is not a lot of fun... #indoors #portrait #morning #frid...
Day 958
Morning rush
A bit of a busy morning and day, so this is the only usable shot from yesterday; the railway station of Breukelen. #morning #music #tuesd...
Day 967
I'm a bit sick
Max (1 year old) is getting his teeth, which makes him a bit sick. This is Max being not happy in the morning. Still Max is a wonderful...
Day 999
Joep is fully happy
This is Joep, being all happy, no reservations. It's not common to see Joep like this, and I love it. #portrait #music #evening #m...
Day 1,002
Let me use the iPad dad
The mornings are (after dressing up) used as iPad time. This is Joep in the morning. #portrait #morning #thursday #black-and-w...
Day 1,072
Bedtime for the children is getting closer to each other, so the moment where we are all in bed for reading or playing occur more often. Oma M...
Day 15
I was inspired by @ultraviolet and her beautiful wings. So I thought, I give it a try. #portrait #morning #sunday #color #animal #people #desktop...