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Rafał Bolko

#2 135/365
500 streak
Day 53
Kładka / Footbridge
#afternoon #black-and-white #wednesday #sun #shadows #shadow #architecture #building #manual #gdynia #step #manual-focus #february...
Day 52
#evening #tuesday #metal #edge #sword #february #blade #japanese #replica #katana #japonia #miecz #theme-metal
Day 51
Warzywa / Vegetables
#food #evening #kitchen #monday #dinner #meat #lunch #salad #manual #vegetables #meal #delicious #gourmet #manual-focus #pentacon...
Day 50
Nasycenie / Saturation
#evening #sunday #black-and-white #light #water #flower #droplets #water-drops #february #woda #kwiatek #kwiat #swiatlo #krople...
Day 49
Sobotni relaks / Saturday's relaxation
#afternoon #saturday #alcohol #glass #drink #art #paper #relax #february #pencils #relaks #papier #eraser #olow...
Day 48
Jaja kosmity? / Alien eggs?
Czy po prostu kropelki wody na kawałku pleśni ...? / Or simply water droplets on a piece of mold ...? #friday #evening #li...
Day 47
Kropelki / Droplets
#thursday #nature #afternoon #green #drop #leaf #plant #macro #water-drops #february #woda #doplets #macrophotography #liscie #ros...
Day 46
Razem / Together
#portrait #morning #wednesday #flower #people #wife #face #sunlight #husband #photo #fotografia #man #hat #happy #clothing #smile #pe...
Day 45
Popołudniowy relaks / Afternoon relaxation
#portrait #afternoon #tuesday #cat #animal #sun #kot #sunset #kitty #face #sunlight #animals #grey #hair #r...
Day 44
Gdzie jest ptaszek? / Where is the bird ?
#afternoon #birds #black-and-white #monday #bird-feeder #february #shelter #ptaki #bird-house #czarnobiale #...
Day 43
Farbki / Paints
#afternoon #sunday #colors #art #play #colorfull #paint #february #swiatlo #kolory #zabawa #gobo #fake-daylight #kolorowo #sztuka #far...
Day 42
Dym / Smoke
#afternoon #saturday #shadows #flying #smoke #february #swiatlo #dym #cien #cienie #latanie #kadzidlo #theme-shadows
Day 41
Cienie / Shadows
#friday #afternoon #black-and-white #shadows #letters #shadow #litery #black-white #sign #cellphone #february #czarnobiale #literki #...
Day 40
Twarze / Faces
#thursday #afternoon #light #blue #texture #paper #pins #february #faces #movement #multiplication #swiatlo #niebieski #light-effect #s...
Day 39
Zima w porcie / Winter in the port
#morning #landscape #water #sea #baltic #wednesday #transport #ice #winter #gdynia #storm #wind #boat #february #po...
Day 38
Walka z cieniem / Fight with the shadow
#evening #light #tuesday #chess #chessboard #february #light-effect #szachy #szachownica #theme-shadows
Day 37
Zdjęcie grupowe / Group photo
#evening #monday #lego #manual #play #legos #manual-focus #pentacon #february #m42 #group-objects #zabawa #legostarwars
Day 36
Poszukując wiedzy :) / Seeking knowledge :)
#afternoon #sunday #car #fun #transport #lego #industry #books #play #legos #action #february #ksiazki #ks...
Day 35
Pomidory / Tomatoes
#food #saturday #evening #sweet #candy #tomatoes #red #fruit #tomato #close #makro #vegetables #eating #diet #healthy #vegetable #...
Day 34
#morning #friday #walk #architecture #mural #manual #street-photography #grafitti #february #poranek #helios #spacer #helios44 #ulica #architekt...
Day 33
Burza / Storm
Kolejna zabawa z tuszem / Another play with ink #thursday #evening #water #blue #abstract #paint #february #illustration #woda #abstract...
Day 32
Dno / The bottom
Spojrzenie na światło poprzez spocone dno szklanki / Looking at the light through the sweaty bottom of the glass #evening #light #wat...
Day 31
Wschód słońca / Sunrise
W drodze do pracy ... / The way to work ... #morning #night #landscape #tuesday #sky #sunrise #sunset #architecture #tower #si...
Day 30
Żaluzje / Blinds
#afternoon #light #monday #window #design #manual #texture #blinds #pattern #january #manual-focus #helios #helios44 #okno #swiatlo #...